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Did Sauron become more powerful than Morgoth?

Did Sauron become more powerful than Morgoth?

Morgoth had far more innate power, but was left destitute by the end because he poured so much of it into the world. Sauron was ‘greater’, effectively, in the Second Age than Morgoth at the end of the First.

Why did morgoth weaken himself?

Melkor/Morgoth was of such power that his ‘ring’ was Arda(Earth) itself. When he gets fed up with the Valar continuing to create things of beauty that he has to destroy, he permanently pours his essence into Arda itself. Thus, the things he alters and destroys can never be built in quite the same way they were before.

How did Morgoth lose the Silmarils?

One of the Silmarils was recovered by Beren and Lúthien through great peril and loss, when Lúthien sent Morgoth to sleep with her singing and Beren cut it from his crown.

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Why did melkor lose power?

Because when Melkor used his Will[1] to do evil, this might would be used, and then dispersed. He who uses might for evil purposes is punished with said power being lost to him, and Melkor did nothing but evil, rebuking Eru and all the Ainur that didn’t side with him.

Was Sauron behind Morgoth’s evil?

Tolkien puts that Sauron was behind Morgoth in evil inly because he once served another (Morgoth). I seems in some aspects that Sauron might have developed a purer evil than his master. Morgoth wanted to be called the Lord. Now Sauron didn’t mind that but it ment him nothing.

Was Sauron less evil than Melkor?

In all the deeds of Melkor the Morgoth upon Arda, in his vast works and in the deceits of his cunning, Sauron had a part, and was only less evil than his master in that for long he served another and not himself.

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What’s the difference between Sauron and Glaurung?

I get that Sauron is the most ‘dark-lord-like’ and the heir apparent to Morgoth. The only answer I can think of is just that; Sauron is the only one who’d ‘pick up the torch if Morgoth fell, whereas Glaurung would have probably just found a pile of gold under a mountain somewhere and been content.

Was Sauron loyal to his master?

So yes Sauron is loyal to his master and worships him How this 19-year-old earns an extra $3600 per week. His friends were in awe when they saw how much money he was making. , Above all shadows rides the Sun/ And Stars for ever dwell…. Indeed he was.