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Did soldiers shoot themselves in the foot?

Did soldiers shoot themselves in the foot?

But the story is probably apocryphal. There is a myth going around that WW1 British soldiers would shoot themselves in the foot to avoid going “over the top”. This is false.

Why did soldiers sometimes try to hurt themselves in the trenches?

Faced with the prospect of being killed or permanently disabled, soldiers sometimes hoped that they would receive what was known as a blighty wound, and be sent back home. There were some cases where soldiers shot themselves in an attempt to end their time on the frontline.

Can a soldier refuse to go to war?

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A conscientious objector is an “individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service” on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion. A number of organizations around the world celebrate the principle on May 15 as International Conscientious Objection Day.

Why did soldiers keep fighting in WW1?

Men continued to fight because they were afraid of being punished if they did not follow orders. British soldiers were not let down by their commanding officers. The tactics and decisions taken by generals and commanding officers were not as bad as some accounts of the war make out.

What does shoot my self in the foot mean?

Foolishly harm one’s own cause, as in He really shot himself in the foot, telling the interviewer all about the others who were applying for the job he wanted. This colloquial term alludes to an accidental shooting as opposed to a deliberate one done so as to avoid military service.

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Where did shooting yourself in the foot come from?

The phrase comes from a phenomenon that became fairly common during the First World War. Soldiers sometimes shot themselves in the foot in order to be sent to the hospital tent rather than being sent into battle. Obviously, these soldiers claimed to have shot themselves accidentally.

Why did ww1 turn into trench warfare?

As World War I progressed, both sides, but particularly the Germans, developed trench systems of progressively greater depth and strength in order to ensure that the enemy could not achieve a breakthrough at any particular point.

How was trench foot prevented in ww1?

It was also discovered in World War I that a key preventive measure was regular foot inspections; soldiers would be paired and each partner made responsible for the feet of the other, and they would generally apply whale oil to prevent trench foot.

Why was ww1 trench warfare?

Trenches were common throughout the Western Front. Long, narrow trenches dug into the ground at the front, usually by the infantry soldiers who would occupy them for weeks at a time, were designed to protect World War I troops from machine-gun fire and artillery attack from the air.

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