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Did we discover a new force of nature?

Did we discover a new force of nature?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) sparked worldwide excitement in March as particle physicists reported tantalizing evidence for new physics – potentially a new force of nature. Beauty quarks, sometimes called bottom quarks, are fundamental particles, which in turn make up bigger particles.

How does muon g2 work?

A beam of muons with aligned spins is directed into a storage ring that has a very precisely known magnetic field. As the beam goes around this storage ring, the muons’ spins wobble, or precess. The magnitude of that precession is directly related to the difference of g from 2, or g-2.

Who runs Fermilab?

Fermi Research Alliance LLC
Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.

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Is the any 5th force of nature?

Now, physicists say they have found possible signs of a fifth fundamental force of nature. The UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) said the result “provides strong evidence for the existence of an undiscovered sub-atomic particle or new force”.

What could the fifth force be?

Many postulate a force roughly the strength of gravity (i.e., it is much weaker than electromagnetism or the nuclear forces) with a range of anywhere from less than a millimeter to cosmological scales. Some physicists speculate that a form of dark energy called quintessence could be a fifth force.

What is the fifth force of nature?

Interaction of muons, the fifth and new force of nature discovered by scientists. Fifth force of nature can explain the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Have you heard of muons? They are unstable subatomic particles, similar to the electrons, but 207 times heavier.

Why do muons exist?

The muons that hit the Earth result from particles in the Earth’s atmosphere colliding with cosmic rays—high-energy protons and atomic nuclei that move through space at just below the speed of light. Muons exist for only 2.2 microseconds before they decay into an electron and two kinds of neutrinos.

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What is the muon g-2 experiment?

During what scientists have called the Muon g-2 experiment, these particles were fired around a 14-metre ring, with a magnetic field applied. Under the current laws of physics, which we call the Standard Model, this should have made the muon particles wobble at a certain rate.

What are muon particles?

Muon particles are a type-of sub-atomic fundamental particle, which means they cannot be broken down into smaller components – similar to an electron. During what scientists have called the Muon g-2 experiment, these particles were fired around a 14-metre ring, with a magnetic field applied.

What is the potential force of muon?

At present researchers don’t really know what the potential force does, other than influence muon particles. Muon particles are a type-of sub-atomic fundamental particle, which means they cannot be broken down into smaller components – similar to an electron.

What is the cause of the muon paradox?

This might be caused by a force of nature that’s completely new to science. No one yet knows what this potential new force does, other than influence muon particles. Theoretical physicists believe that it might also be associated with an as-yet undiscovered sub-atomic particle.