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Do apple seeds grow the same variety?

Do apple seeds grow the same variety?

This is because apple trees produced from seed are genetically different from their parent and it is said, usually inferior. Most apple trees are propagated by grafting which allows growers to produce trees that are genetically identical to one another. Meaning your tree could grow to 30 foot high and 30 foot wide!

Why are apple seeds genetically different?

There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of Apples. This broad range of varieties arises from the need of Apples to cross pollinate in order to produce fruit and seed. Each of these genetic crosses produces a unique set of genes, giving rise to a broad range of cultivars.

Do apple seeds produce different apples?

Apples do not reproduce true to type, meaning that the tree grown from a specific variety of seed will produce apples almost certain to be different than the parent. You can have fun and experiment, but don’t expect to have the same fruit. Also, almost all varieties are unable to pollinate themselves.

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Do different apples grow on different trees?

Species of apple trees (Malus domestica) will grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. Since apple trees cross-pollinate, a tree grown from seed is unique and its qualities are unpredictable. You can grow numerous varieties of apples on one tree by grafting them onto a rootstock.

Do different apples have different seeds?

After all, a single apple tree is going to produce tons of apples, each apple produces tons of seeds, and each tree that results will be different. One might have a bigger trunk, or smaller apples, or survive well in colder climates, and so on.

What makes seeds genetically different than the parent plant?

When a seed is formed by a plant, it is the result of pollen fertilizing an egg (ovule). These three options determine whether the two sets of genes (one from the pollen and one from the ovule) are likely to be identical or very different.

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Why are apple trees not true to seed?

Apple trees don’t grow “true-to-type,” as WSU tree fruit breeder Kate Evans explains. That means that if you were to plant, for instance, Red Delicious seeds in your backyard, you wouldn’t get Red Delicious apples. But matching up the scion and rootstock isn’t enough to grow good apples.

Do apple trees grow from apple seeds?

It is possible to grow an apple tree from an apple seed. However, in most cases, apple trees don’t come true from seeds. Seedling apple trees are genetically different and usually inferior to the parent tree. Most apple trees are propagated by grafting.

Are all seeds genetically different?

No, the seeds are not genetically identical. Each seed come from the fertilization of an ovum with a sperm from a separate pollen grain. Since each pollen grain can come from a different plant, the seeds will generally differ from one another.

Can two of the same seeds carry different genes?

Seed Grown Plants Are Genetically Diverse Each each ova is also genetically different from the others on the plant, too. As a result, there are literally millions of genetic combinations that could result from the fertilization of the pollen with ova.

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Do all Apple Trees Come True from seeds?

However, in most cases, apple trees don’t come true from seeds. For example, a seed taken from a Red Delicious apple will not produce a Red Delicious apple tree. Seedling apple trees are genetically different and usually inferior to the parent tree.

Why do some apple trees produce bigger fruit than others?

The variety itself may have the full-size genes which are dominant and will produce a full sized tree despite the dwarf variety seed. Also, apple trees from seed take longer to produce fruit.

How does an apple tree reproduce?

An apple tree potentially reproduces in multiple ways. It is propagated sexually by seed to create a genetically unique young tree or using a variety of asexual propagation techniques to clone a desirable parent apple tree.

How are new apple varieties formed?

This is how new apple varieties are formed, after all. The only way to guarantee that the genotype of an apple tree is close to the parent plant is to propagate it by cloning, and the easiest and cheapest way to clone trees (at least apple trees) is by grafting.