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Do hydrogen fuel cell cars make noise?

Do hydrogen fuel cell cars make noise?

The small number of hydrogen cars currently in series production use a fuel cell which produces electricity from hydrogen fuel and uses it to power an electric motor. These sound completely silent with the absence of an engine and exhaust.

Are hydrogen cars silent?

Much like EVs, Hydrogen cars are silent as they don’t have a combustion engine. They are just like electric cars that charge faster. Unlike combustion engine cars which release smoke, hydrogen fuel cell cars don’t pollute.

Are hydrogen engines quiet?

‘ The powertrain being developed by the project turns the hydrogen into torque to turn the propeller. It is highly efficient and also quiet to run, producing about the same amount of noise as an internal combustion engine in a car – meaning passengers should have a pleasant, quiet flight.

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Why Hydrogen cars are a bad idea?

Hydrogen fuel cells have bad theoretical and practical efficiency. Hydrogen storage is inefficient, energetically, volumetrically and with respect to weight. It has a horrible well-to-wheel efficiency as a result. Easy ways to get large quantities of hydrogen are not ‘cleaner’ than gasoline.

Can you turbo a hydrogen car?

To make up for the power loss, hydrogen engines are usually larger than gasoline engines, and/or are equipped with turbochargers or superchargers. A small amount of hydrogen can be burned outside the combustion chamber and reach into the air/fuel mixture in the chamber to ignite the main combustion.

Are hydrogen cars explosive?

According to OSHA, “Hydrogen used in the fuel cells is a very flammable gas and can cause fires and explosions if it is not handled properly. There’s gear designed to battle this kind of fire. But the good news is that anyone driving a vehicle powered by fuel cells most likely won’t have to deal with it.

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Do hydrogen-powered cars exist?

As of 2021, there are two models of hydrogen cars publicly available in select markets: the Toyota Mirai (2014–), which is the world’s first mass-produced dedicated fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), and the Hyundai Nexo (2018–). The Honda Clarity was produced from 2016 to 2021.

Can jets fly on hydrogen?

Boeing did actually fly a manned hydrogen-powered plane back in 2008. It was a two-seater with extra-long wings and flew for about 20 minutes. The company has flown five hydrogen aircraft since.

Is a hydrogen jet engine possible?

According to research at the Pennsylvania State University in 2006, large commercial hydrogen aircraft could be built by 2020 but “will probably not enter service until closer to 2040.” In the nearer term, interest has grown in using fuel cell aircraft as personal air vehicles.

Can hydrogen cars explode?