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Do physics students learn programming?

Do physics students learn programming?

In experimental physics you will want to program for data analysis, data collection, and even for controlling experimental instruments. Programming comes in very handy for such situations and is one of the most powerful skills that you can acquire.

Do you need physics and chemistry for programming?

Primarily you need to be strong in Maths for computer science. Being good in Physics also helps. Top rankers who get CS branch in IIT do so because they have done well enough to get that branch.

Do software engineers need to know physics?

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Physics is not needed, unless you want to solve a physics problem of course. To answer your question: you will need good maths and physics if you are writing scientific (well, physics-type scientific) and engineering programs.

Is physics useful in programming?

Physics as a subject is not important for programming. You don’t have to know Physics to be a programmer. But if you are already a Physicist who wants to become a programmer, then the soft skills you learn as a Physicist would be very useful.

Should I learn programming for physics?

As a physics major you should definitely learn how to code. Mathematics and statistics are the language of physics and doing them by hand would be too time consuming for any research or real-world applications. Besides that, coding is just a really useful skill you can get under your tool belt.

Do you need physics for it?

Physics isn’t essential for computer scientists because as far as i know only one field requires it and that is Computer Graphics (and that requires only a few principles of Physics) . Other than that , you won’t need Physics nowhere in your life as a computer scientist.

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Can a physicist become a computer scientist?

No it’s better to stick on to one field either you be a physicist or Computer engineer. Yes if you go deep in computer engineering then you can be computer scientist as well. Just select one field in which you think you are interested and make your future in that field.

Do I need to know physics to become a programmer?

If you’re dealing with software, then there isn’t much need. The only other way (as pointed out) is if you were programming something specifically about physics, in the same way that writing software for a biotech company, it would help to at least know a little about biology and biotech.

Do I need physics and Maths for Computer Science?

You’ll not need any physics or maths to build, say, a full-stack web application, etc. You’ll definitely need maths for algorithms and data structures course, for theoretical CS, or for any advanced CS course, but not for programming.

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What is the importance of studying physics in computer programming?

Physics is important if you are going to program advanced games, even flappy bird has a gravity constant. Any type of simulator (driving, flight, spacecraft) would benefit from at least a cursory background in introductory physics.

Is Maths better than physics for IT jobs?

Math is way better than physics for me. If you’re creating a game engine or doing game development, probably. If you’re working at SpaceX or NASA, maybe. Okay, chances are you won’t need Physics for whatever branch of IT you decide to study. However, if you can get an A Level in Physics, then do it.