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Do pilots get to stay in the country they fly to?

Do pilots get to stay in the country they fly to?

The airline handles and pays for accommodations for crewmembers when they are on a trip. Many pilots do not live where they are based and choose to commute. Generally, if pilots need to travel and stay away from home when they are not on a trip, they are responsible for their own accommodations.

Can pilots go home every night?

All in the contract, routes, and choices of the pilot within that contract. Some fly trips of up to two weeks, others are back home every night if they have a home near their base airport and work regional. Some choose to take all available work offered while others stay near the minimum.

Do pilots have to live near hubs?

Pilots are based at domiciles that typically coincide with an airline’s hubs. But many pilots choose to live elsewhere and commute to work. They do so by hopping a free ride on their airline, or even in a jumpseat on the flight deck.

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Do pilots get to choose their base?

It’s all based on you date of hire. If you are a new hire you get what’s left over. You can assume you’ll be assigned to the least junior base. If you commute you have to add one day before a trip and one day after so a three day trip becomes 5, 4 day trip becomes 6.

Do short haul pilots stay at the places they fly?

Short haul pilots barely get to stay at the place they fly to. The fly and operate from their home base. They might stay for a few hours at the place they fly to, then they must get back to work. They will end their work back at home base. In a few cases they might stay for the night, but they won’t get a chance to explore the place.

Do airline pilots travel a lot?

You might think pilots get to travel a lot, yes its true, but it is more like a 9 to 5 job. You start at home, go to office and end up back at home. Short haul pilots barely get to stay at the place they fly to. The fly and operate from their home base. They might stay for a few hours at the place they fly to,…

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How long do pilots rest between flights?

Ordinarily, pilots on longer flights have several hours’ rest break, or layover, between flights. In some cases, the layover is just long enough for the pilot to catch some sleep before returning to the airport. On longer runs with less frequent flights, the layover might extend to a day or more.

Do pilots go to work from home?

You start at home, go to office and end up back at home. Short haul pilots barely get to stay at the place they fly to. The fly and operate from their home base. They might stay for a few hours at the place they fly to, then they must get back to work. They will end their work back at home base.