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Do the Dutch have brown hair?

Do the Dutch have brown hair?

Dutch are a Germanic – speaking North – Western European people. This is a region where blond, light brown, red hair, blue or gray or green or hazel eyes are quite common.

What is the most common eye color in Netherlands?

Lighter eyes across Northern Europe

Nation Blue Brown
France 22.0\% 34.0\%
Germany 39.6\% 27.2\%
Iceland 74.5\% 9.2\%
Netherlands 60.9\% 21.7\%

What race has the most blonde hair?

Residents of the Solomon Islands in the Pacific have some of the darkest skin seen outside of Africa. They also have the highest occurrence of blond hair seen in any population outside of Europe. Now, researchers have found the single gene that explains these fair tresses.

Why are the Dutch tall and blonde?

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The Dutch always have been an mixture of the different people living on the Eurasian continent with an added dollop of every other tribe living on earth. That’s why the Dutch are “tall and blond” and “small and black” …….. and every other skin and hair colour and every physical shape imaginable. Yes off course haha!

What color eyes do the Dutch have?

Though the most common eye color in the Netherlands is blue, the Northern Dutch have a higher percentage of blue-eyed people than the Southern Dutch, while those in central regions are intermediate between the extremes.

Are there blondes in Netherlands?

Blond hair is very common in the Netherlands but is not the most common hair colour. Most Dutch people though are brown-haired, blonds come in second place, red hair comes in third place and last of all black-hair.

What nationalities have blonde hair?

Scandinavian regions such as Finland, Sweden and Norway. North Eastern Slavic regions also have the blond hair and blue eyes in their genetics, countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.