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Do you have to be invited to become a Freemason?

Do you have to be invited to become a Freemason?

In most places, you will not be asked to join; some allow you to be asked once by any one Mason. This will depend on where you live, but for MOST places, you need to ask someone whom you think is a Freemason for an application form (usually called a ‘petition’).

How do you get invited to be a Mason?

The qualifications to join a lodge vary from one jurisdiction to another, but some basic qualifications are common to all regular Masonic lodges:

  1. You must believe in a supreme being.
  2. You must be joining of your own free will.
  3. You must be a man.
  4. You must be free-born.
  5. You must be of lawful age.
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Would you be a good candidate to join the Freemasons?

As long as you have one specific, surprising quality, you’re a fair candidate to join their brotherhood. The Freemasons aren’t just a regular brotherhood, these are people who will go to the grave and defy the laws of their country to protect their fellow mason, and they know when people are trying to find their secrets.

Should Masons attract new members?

If we do then I believe we, as Masons, will be placed in a position of attracting new members, and at the same time maintaining our own membership. One of the greatest changes is that in the past, one man working 40 hours a week could raise a family.

What are the rules of the Masonic Lodge?

Whereby men, who are immoral, corrupt or who violate the laws of God, their country or their fellowman, cannot claim the protection, aid or assistance from their Masonic Lodge. Nor would they be admitted to the fraternity. Each district should have a membership committee to look after their members and search for other members.

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Who are the Freemasons and what do they do?

The Freemasons aren’t just a regular brotherhood, these are people who will go to the grave and defy the laws of their country to protect their fellow mason, and they know when people are trying to find their secrets. Here are a few things you need to know about the Freemasons. As you can probably guess, the Freemasons aren’t a total secret.