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Do you think that it is right to kill an animal to save a human life give reasons for your answer?

Do you think that it is right to kill an animal to save a human life give reasons for your answer?

Answer : No, its not right to kill an animal to save a human. Human beings have been exploiting the animals from years. For example, tigers are killed for their skin and bones.

Is it right to kill animals?

Violated rights If you accept that animals have rights, raising and killing animals for food is morally wrong. An animal raised for food is being used by others rather than being respected for itself. No matter how humanely an animal is treated in the process, raising and killing it for food remains morally wrong.

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What happens if we kill animals?

If we kill all animals then there could be no animals on earth . If our future generations ask us about any animal we just have to tell them and show them in pictures. But really they can’t know-how were the animals. It will disturb the ecological balance and food chain .

What is it called when a human kills an animal?

University of Southern Maine, USA. Abstract. In this essay I recommend ‘theriocide’ as the name for those diverse human actions that cause the deaths of animals. Like the killing of one human by another, theriocide may be socially acceptable or unacceptable, legal or illegal.

What happens if wildlife is endangered?

Forests, rivers, oceans, birds and animals; all contribute in beautifying the earth in a major way. If there are no forests, rivers and animals or birds, earth would turn into a barren land with no traces of life.

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Why do we kill animals?

Many animals are killed as a food source for humans and this is the basis of many agricultural enterprises. In other instances animals used in agriculture may be killed because of culling, disease control measures, illness, injury, old age, or when they reach the end of their productive life.

For what wrong reasons are animals killed by humans?

Animals may be slaughtered for humans to obtain food, and also if they are diseased and unable to be consumed as food.

Why do humans kill animals?

Answers. People kill the wild animals because they can get meat, and some of the animals skins bones and other parts like elephants teeth are very costly.

Why are humans killing animals?

Animal slaughter is the killing of nonhuman animals, and often refers to the slaughter of livestock. Animals may be slaughtered for humans to obtain food, and also if they are diseased and unable to be consumed as food.

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Why is it important to save animals?

Why is it important to protect and conserve animals? Each animal, from the smallest fish to the largest land mammal plays an important role in their ecosystems. Losing an animal species impacts their habitats altogether. Animals help pollination, keep forests healthy and even control pests.

How can we save animals?

50 Ways to Save Animals

  1. Spay and neuter. Each year, millions of dogs and cats are put to death in animal shelters.
  2. Never buy an animal from a pet shop.
  3. Never give an animal as a gift.
  4. Take notice and take action.
  5. Support your local animal shelter.
  6. Report abuse.
  7. Keep them safe at home.
  8. Use natural cleaners.