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Do you think war will never stop?

Do you think war will never stop?

There are five main reasons why peace is so often beyond our grasp. The world is awash in weapons.

What would the world be like without war?

Without wars or the potential for war, many of these people would have to fill other roles in society. Without war, individuals would still die from accidents, homicides, suicides at a normal rate, but it’s easy to see how the end of war would at least marginally effect population levels around the world.

When was the last time there was no war in the world?

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Originally Answered: When was the last time there was no war anywhere on Earth? April 11, 1954 is a strong candidate.

Is there any ongoing wars?

The worst ongoing wars in 2021 are in Afghanistan, Yemen and Mexico…. It is sad to say, but there are currently ongoing wars or minor conflicts in around three dozen countries, most of them in the Middle East, North West Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, and a major ongoing drug-war in Mexico.

Do you think it is possible to have a world without war give reasons for your answer?

Most people who hear the question “is a world without war possible” probably answer “no.” The history of humanity can be told as a history of war. From the classical age through the dark ages and into the middle ages, the renaissance, and modern history, warfare has always been a significant part of human history.

Is life without conflict possible?

Conflict is an inescapable reality of being human. One cannot be human without being in conflict, which means every human community is – by definition – inescapably caught within a cyclical network of battles, struggles, wars, and disagreements. Conflict is life, and life is conflict.

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How many years have there been no wars in the US?

No single year that had no war. After a some hooting and a few chest thumps coming back to the answer… This article in New York Times defines war as “an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives.” Though that seems to be too forgiving.

How long will warwars exist?

Wars will exist for as long as criminal minds make gobs of money and people do nothing to oppose it.

How long have humans been at peace with each other?

According to a New York Times article, if you define war as an “active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives”, then humans have been at peace for around 268 years – or 8\% – of the last 3,400 years. ‘What Every Person Should Know About War’

Is War an inevitable occurrence?

If one quality characterizes our wars today, it’s their endurance. They never seem to end. Though war itself may not be an American inevitability, these days many factors combine to make constant war an American near certainty.