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Does any Hindu god eat non-veg?

Does any Hindu god eat non-veg?

In South India, Brahmins are vegetarian. This Marwari and Bania culture also eclipses the vast non-vegetarian traditions of north India. In Hindu Puranas, Vishnu is a strict vegetarian god, but Shiva eats whatever he is given and the Goddess loves blood.

Why is non-veg prohibited in astrology?

Eating non-veg food is considered as a sin in astrology because of the extent of the suffering of the animal when it is being killed. Thus it is much more sinful and this why non-veg is not allowed in astrology.

Is it bad to be a non-vegetarian?

A non-vegetarian diet also has several health benefits because this type of food is rich in protein and vitamin B. Non-vegetarian food strengthens our muscles and helps them grow faster. Vegetarians have been shown to be at lower risk of heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer and such chronic ailments.

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Why can’t Hindus eat non-vegetarian food?

However, in this day and age some Hindus in the villages as well as in cities, blindly imitate the western culture and have non-vegetarian food. They are Hindus in namesake only. The reasons why Hindu Dharma prohibits consumption of non-vegetarian food are Eating meat is a Tama -dominant act. That is why, it is prohibited in Hindu Dharma.

What do Hindus eat?

Diet of non-vegetarian Hindus can include eggs, fish, poultry and goat meat. For slaughtering animals and birds for food, meat-eating Hindus often favor jhatka (quick death) style preparation of meat since Hindus believe that this method minimizes trauma and suffering to the animal.

Is it wrong to eat meat in Hinduism?

Hinduism does not insist on a vegetarian diet and besides there is neither any central authority nor a central scripture in Hinduism that boasts on vegetarianism. Meat eating is not wrong in the Hindu culture. In fact, the diet in the Hindu culture was purely based on the person’s profession (which was based on caste).

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How many non-vegetarians are there in India?

Going by the statistics, in India with 80\% Hindu population, a whopping 70\% people are non-vegetarians and only 30\% people are vegetarians. Different communities and cast have different food habits in India, and there is no one rule.