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Does fanfiction make you a better writer?

Does fanfiction make you a better writer?

Fanfiction can also be a great way to bust through a bout of writer’s block and keep your writing muse happy when you’re too busy or tired to do original work, thus keeping your writing skills in practice and sharp. Fanfiction Means Feedback! That’s a skill you can then use on your own writing.

How do you become a successful fanfiction writer?

8 Pro Tips to Becoming a Successful Fan Fiction Writer

  1. Write about celebrities, movies, or characters you love — but make sure your subject has a mass appeal.
  2. Don’t spend too much time coming up with Most Original Story Ever.
  3. Prove you’re a true fan by incorporating Easter eggs.
  4. That said, write a universal story.

How old are fanfiction writers?

Age. Overwhelmingly, fan fiction writers appear to be in their early- to mid-20s. Demographics have been assessed as being 56.7\% university students and other young adults, while 21.3\% register as being 30 years and older.

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Why do people write fanfiction?

Part of the reason you write fanfiction is because you love the source material and know it like the back of your hand. Still, it’s important to do some research for your writing to avoid plot holes and inconsistencies.

Is there a stigma associated with being a fanfiction writer?

I noticed on the Internet there’s a stigma attached to being known as a fanfiction writer. Go online and search for writing tips or advice; there’s a wealth of information on the topic, but generally with the intent to self-publish or solicit a publishing house.

Is it good to share your fanfic with your friends?

It will help you build rapport and will make the promotion of your work more likely, as people that are friends are more likely to share each other’s stories. That said, while it’s good to acknowledge your readers, avoid the temptation to tailor your fanfic to the whims of fans who leave feedback.

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Can you graduate from fanfiction to writing original books?

Just look at the success of authors who got their start in fanfiction; such as E.L. James, Rainbow Rowell, and Amanda Todd. Authors who “graduate” from fanfiction to eventually create their own original works are a growing niche that mainstream markets have yet to fully embrace.