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Does Iran support the two-state solution?

Does Iran support the two-state solution?

Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, rejects a two-state solution and implies that Palestine is inseparable, while Iran’s former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a free referendum for the entire Palestinian population, including Arab citizens of Israel, to determine the type of government in the future …

Who gives Hamas weapons?

Hamas and PIJ enjoy extensive material backing from Iran in their arming efforts, in light of Iran’s determination to amplify its influence in the Palestinian arena and among Palestinian terror groups. Iran substantiates its support of the resistance camp by providing high-quality standard weapons to both groups.

What is the United States relationship with Israel?

Israel is designated by the United States as a major non-NATO ally, and was the first country to be granted this status alongside Egypt in 1987; Israel and Egypt remain the only countries in the Middle East to have this designation.

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Who rejected the UN partition plan?

On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, adopted by 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions. The Jewish side accepted the UN plan for the establishment of two states. The Arabs rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state.

What did the UN partition plan propose?

The UN Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations that recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish States. It was rejected by the Palestinians, leading to a civil war and the end of the British Mandate.

What is the two-state solution for Israel?

The two-state solution would establish an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel — two states for two peoples. In theory, this would win Israel security and allow it to retain a Jewish demographic majority (letting the country remain Jewish and democratic) while granting the Palestinians a state.

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Does the United States support a two-state solution?

The United States, which has brokered talks for years, has taken more than a few missteps. And most important, the current Israeli leadership, though it nominally supports a two-state solution, appears to oppose it in practice. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister since 2009, endorsed the two-state solution in a speech that year.

Will Palestinians accept a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders?

Many Palestinians and Israelis, as well as the Arab League, have stated that they would accept a two-state solution based on 1949 Armistice Agreements, more commonly referred to as the “1967 borders”.

What do Israelis think about the solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict?

A vast majority of Israelis prefer to stand on the idea that Palestine can integrate with Israel to create one nation, and then accept whatever circumstances apply to their socioeconomic demographics afterward. It is a solution that really offers no solution. 3. There are numerous Jewish settlements in what would be Palestinian territories.