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Does Iron Man control his suit with his mind?

Does Iron Man control his suit with his mind?

Tony Stark uses something called brain computer interface that translates brain EEG signals to control machines. So if Tony needs to move the suit’s arm he just needs to think about moving it. This technology currently is very slow and not advanced as Tony has but it might get to that level in future.

Why didn’t Tony make a suit for black widow?

Short answer: because the other Avengers don’t need them or wouldn’t want them. War Machine already has one. Thor, Vision and Hulk don’t need them, while wearing a suit of armor would just interfere with the abilities of Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon and (probably) Scarlet Witch.

How does Tony Stark control the Hulkbuster?

Tony Stark uses some kind of interface that allows his suit’s interface to interact with the Hulkbuster armor, thereby allowing him to fight and move fairly quickly with a similar control scheme to his own standard suit.

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Is Iron Man suit possible in future?

He wondered if it would be possible to build a real working Iron Man suit as depicted in the comic books and films. The answer is: yes (well almost)! In his book How to Build an Iron Man Suit, Barry shows what’s currently possible and what is still science fiction.

Is Iron Man’s suit vibranium?

But it’s not all ancient. The suit is still equipped with Tony’s state of the art technology, complete with a new A.I. His A.I. system reveals why that is the case: the sphere is primarily made up of vibranium and adamantium, two of the strongest metals in the Marvel Universe.

Who controls Hulkbuster?

The Mark XLIV Armor, better known as the Hulkbuster, was Tony Stark’s forty-fourth Iron Man suit, made with the help of Bruce Banner. Created solely for the purpose of restraining Hulk, it is a modular suit that Stark donned while already in another armor, such as the Mark XLIII.

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Is Hulkbuster stronger than Hulk?

Hulkbuster is designed based on the estimates of what Tony Stark THINKS is efficient to be on par with Hulk. So he could very easily make Hulkbuster equivalent to hour 3 Hulk, which will help him fight, even beat, the Incredible Hulk.

Is Iron Man Arc Reactor possible?

Sustained fusion reactions of Hydrogen atoms on a small scale is enough to power a block of homes for their sustainable lifetime. Two: the technology is actually a possibility, and MIT believes that a real Iron Man reactor could be created by the year 2025.
