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Does warm or cold water freeze faster?

Does warm or cold water freeze faster?

The Mpemba effect is the observation that warm water freezes more quickly than cold water. The effect has been measured on many occasions with many explanations put forward. One idea is that warm containers make better thermal contact with a refrigerator and so conduct heat more efficiently. Hence the faster freezing.

What temperature does it have to be outside for water to freeze?

32 degrees Fahrenheit
Water, like all types of matter, freezes at a specific temperature. The freezing point for water is 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit).

How long does it take cold water to freeze?

In a freezer, it will take from 1 hour to two hours if you what to get ice cubes at a temperature of 0° F. If your water is cold or really hot, the water will freeze even faster (around 45 minutes). This paradox we call the Mpemba effect.

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Why does the hot water freeze faster than cold water?

If the water is initially hot, cooled water at the bottom is denser than the hot water at the top, so no convection will occur and the bottom part will start freezing while the top is still warm. This effect, combined with the evaporation effect, may make hot water freeze faster than cold water in some cases.

How fast does water freeze at?

How quickly can water freeze?

So, how long does it take for water to freeze? In a freezer, it will take from 1 hour to two hours if you what to get ice cubes at a temperature of 0° F. If your water is cold or really hot, the water will freeze even faster (around 45 minutes). This paradox we call the Mpemba effect.

Why does water freeze faster than other liquids?

Water will freeze faster than liquids with salt or sugar in them. Some liquids freeze faster than others because of viscosity, or thickness of the liquid. Viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to flow. Thicker liquids will freeze more slowly and some will not freeze at all.

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Does hot water freeze at a different rate than cold water?

There is no definitive explanation for why hot water may freeze faster than cold water. Different mechanisms come into play, depending on the conditions. The main factors appear to be: Evaporation – More hot water will evaporate than cold water, thus reducing the amount of water remaining to be frozen.

What cools faster warm or cool water?

So maybe warm water experiences less supercooling than cold water. Evaporation: The hot water beaker loses more water molecules through evaporation, so there’s less of it to freeze. Convection: Finally, there’s the idea that warm water might cool faster due to increased convection currents.

What will turn to ice faster, warm or cold water?

Hot water really can freeze faster than cold water, a new study finds. Sometimes. Under extremely specific conditions. With carefully chosen samples of water. New experiments provide support for a special case of the counterintuitive Mpemba effect, which holds that water at a higher temperature turns to ice faster than cooler water.

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Does warm water take up more space then cold water?

(When you slightly warm some ice-cold water, it contracts a little, but let’s keep this simple.) So hot water takes up more space than cold water. The amount of space something takes up is called volume. When water turns to ice, the molecules line up in that special way, and the ice takes up more room than the liquid.