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Has anyone ever traveled to every country in the world?

Has anyone ever traveled to every country in the world?

It took 1,458 flights and 1,117 buses and trains for Drew Binsky to reach his goal of traveling to every country in the world. And he did it in less than a decade. CNBC spoke with Binsky nine hours after he touched down in his last country — Saudi Arabia — about how he financed his 10-year travel spree.

Is it possible to go to every place in the world?

In order to see 1,500 places and stay a week at each plus the added days for travel to and from each destination it would take 12,000 days, which is 1,714 weeks or 32.9 years. If a traveling lifetime starts at age 20 and goes through 80 you can see the whole world with quite a few years to spare.

How much would it cost to visit every country on earth?

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QUICK ANSWER: To travel to every country in the world, it would cost you $96,000 if you spent only one day in each country. If you spent 3 days in each country, it would cost you $289,500. If you spent 1 week in each country, it would cost you $675,500 and it would take 3.7 years to finish your round-the-world trip.

Who is the most Travelled person?

Babis Bizas is the ”world’s most traveled person” according to the Guinness Book of Records. Amazingly, the Greek adventurer travels more than 300 days per year, each year. Bizas, born in 1954 in the Greek city of Arta, is an explorer, author, travel writer and tour operator.

Which country is youngest?

The youngest country in the world is Niger, where almost 50\% of the population is below the age of 15.

Who is the youngest person to travel the world?

Lexie Alford
Here is someone who has made it possible at the age of 21. Lexie Alford who is now 23 years of age, is the youngest person to have ever travelled to all the countries in the world. The incredible journey took her to all corners of the world, which includes North Korea.

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Who is the youngest person to visit every country in the world?

Lexie Alford from Nevada City, California, recently broke the Guinness World Record to become the youngest person to travel to every country in the world. At the age of 23, she visited 196 countries in an effort to challenge herself and push the limits of what she believed was possible for a female solo traveler.

How many years would it take to travel the world?

If you are sailing around the world for leisure- making stops at different places along the way, the journey will take you approximately 3.5 years. However, if it’s all about the journey and not the destination, the trip can be made in 40 days.

Is it possible to travel to every country in the world?

There are obviously many other things that go into traveling to every country in the world but again if you want to achieve this feat, it is possible. You need time and you need money but you don’t need to be rich. It is doable but you always need access to money just in case something happens.

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What do I need to know before I travel the world?

I am the first person to say wing it but in many destinations around the world you need to have at least a general plan. This goes back to research in some ways but you must know the flight schedules, train times or bus options. You must know when and where border crossings close so you don’t get stuck in the middle of nowhere.

How many countries are there in the world?

The ‘correct’ answer is somewhere between 193 and 215 countries, the most technically correct answer is that there are 197 countries in the world, I blogged about why that number is correct here. How did you visit every country in the world?

How did the businessman travel to all the countries?

As an act of defiance, the businessman promised himself he would travel to all the countries in the world, using his life savings to do so. Luckily he had an understanding wife, Barnali, who even accompanied him to more than 70 of the countries he visited.