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How are political views formed quizlet?

How are political views formed quizlet?

How do people form political opinions? -Most people acquire their political attitudes, opinions, beliefs, and knowledge through the process called “political socialization.” What is “political socialization”? When people are politically influenced by things around them including: family, friends, media, and co-workers.

What were the political differences between the North and South?

The North had more resources in terms of money, men and supplies than the South. 4. In terms of political parties, the North was predominantly Republican while the South was Democrat.

What factors influence political socialization?

Agents of socialization, sometimes referred to as institutions, work together to influence and shape people’s political and economic norms and values. Such institutions include, but are not limited to: families, media, peers, schools, religions, work and legal systems.

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What factors influence public opinion?

Public opinion can be influenced by public relations and the political media. Additionally, mass media utilizes a wide variety of advertising techniques to get their message out and change the minds of people. Since the 1950s, television has been the main medium for molding public opinion.

What is a liberal view of politics?

Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy.

Why do levels of participation and influence in politics vary quizlet?

Why do levels of participation and influence in politics vary? Education level, age, income, race, gender, marital status, and many other factors affect whether a person chooses to vote or not. The most effective method in shaping public policies is voting.

How do individuals acquire their political knowledge or opinions?

The process by which individuals acquire their political opinions is called political socialization. This process begins during childhood, when, through family and school, people acquire many of their basic political values and beliefs.

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What was the political disagreement between the north and South?

The North wanted the new states to be “free states.” Most northerners thought that slavery was wrong and many northern states had outlawed slavery. The South, however, wanted the new states to be “slave states.” Cotton, rice, and tobacco were very hard on the southern soil.

How did the difference between the northern and southern economies lead to the development of two distinct cultural regions?

How did the difference between Northern nd Southern economies lead to the development of distinct cultural regions? -North developed an urban,egalitarian culture,the South developed a rural,landowner and slaveholder based culture.

What are the different types of political views?

There are various types of political view that we all keep within ourselves. These are some or all of them: Democratic: Democracy is a political government carried out either directly by the people (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people.Democracy has its origins in Ancient Greece.… Continue reading

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How does religion affect the political parties?

It also contributes to polarizing the two political parties overall, as religious belief becomes an increasingly important predictor of party affiliation.

How do political ideologies work?

Political ideologies mainly work in 2 directions (the goals and the methods). In other words what we are trying to achieve and how are we going to achieve it. Examples for goals : Equality, Freedom etc.

Which of the following can lead to political instability?

Intolerance for the views and opinions of others can also lead to political instability. High level of prejudice in a country also leads to instability. Prejudice is the unreasonable hatred of people who are different from you.