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How can I get an accurate blood pressure reading with white coat syndrome?

How can I get an accurate blood pressure reading with white coat syndrome?

Before you strap on the blood pressure cuff, keep these tips in mind for a normal reading:

  1. Relax. If you’re feeling anxious or worried when you sit down to have your blood pressure measured, ask the doctor or nurse to wait a bit so you can calm down.
  2. Move to a different area.
  3. Practice stress relief.
  4. Change the conversation.

How do I relax before blood pressure?

Relax your way to lower blood pressure

  1. Select a word (such as “one” or “peace”), a short phrase, or a prayer to focus on.
  2. Sit quietly in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  3. Relax your muscles, progressing from your feet to your calves, thighs, abdomen, and so on, up to your neck and face.
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How do I get over my phobia of blood pressure?

Treatment options may include the following:

  1. Exposure therapy. A therapist will guide exposure to your fears on an ongoing basis.
  2. Cognitive therapy. A therapist may help you identify feelings of anxiety around blood.
  3. Relaxation.
  4. Applied tension.
  5. Medication.

How much can white coat syndrome raise blood pressure?

On average, the top (systolic) number tends to be about 10mmHg higher in a clinic than at home. The bottom numbers tends to be about 5mmHg. Some people’s blood pressure will be affected more than others, and if you feel very worried or stressed it could be raised by as much as 30mmHg.

Can white coat syndrome be cured?

Although there is no known cure for white coat hypertension, frequent measuring of blood pressure levels at home or place of work and comparing those results with the doctor’s results can easily alert the medical professional of the potential presence of white coat syndrome.

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Do beta blockers help with white coat hypertension?


Do you treat white coat hypertension?

Everyone’s blood pressure fluctuates constantly throughout the day. But people with white-coat hypertension may experience more frequent and higher spikes. About one in five people has the condition, which doctors typically don’t treat with medication.

How do I cure my white coat syndrome?

How can I stay calm in a doctor’s office?

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  1. Leave early for an appointment. If you rush out the door and are running late, you’ll get to the office already stressed out. …
  2. … But expect to wait.
  3. Avoid caffeine.
  4. Bring company.
  5. Communicate your fears.
  6. Stay in the loop.
  7. Use visualization.
  8. Try not to be embarrassed.

How do you get rid of white coat syndrome?

What is white coat hypertension or white coat syndrome?

In fact, that sudden rise in blood pressure you experience when you go to the doctor is so common, it actually has a name: White Coat Hypertension or White Coat Syndrome. It’s an anxiety-induced blood pressure spike while in a medical environment when high blood pressure is not otherwise an issue for the patient.

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Does white coat hypertension go away when you leave the Doctor?

Although it is true that you may have the condition, this leads some to believe that white coat hypertension isn’t really a problem, and that your blood pressure will normalize once you leave the doctor’s office.

What are the best white coat syndrome stress relievers?

Exercise is one of the best white coat syndrome stress relievers because it releases endorphin chemicals in the brain, which naturally improve mood. Regular moderate exercise has been found to reduce blood pressure and improve sleep.

How long does the white coat response take to dissipate?

The white coat response can be seen to dissipate within 3 minutes of the observer leaving the examination room. At least one of these devices, the BpTRU, which can take up to 5 blood pressure readings, provides average readings that are comparable to those obtained with 24-hour ABPM. 7