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How can I increase my Step 2 score?

How can I increase my Step 2 score?

How I Scored a 281 on Step 2 CK

  1. Make Every Clinical Rotation Count. Proper preparation for shelf exams during rotations is key to establish a solid foundation for Step 2 CK.
  2. Master a Few Key Resources.
  3. Think Like The Test-Maker.
  4. Don’t Overwork Yourself.
  5. It’s Okay to Change Your Test Date, But for the Right Reasons.

What is a good second pass UWorld score?

between 65-75\%
Most students I work with score around 50\% on their first pass through UWorld, which is a solid start. However, on their second pass through, these same students score between 65-75\%.

What is a good step 2 Score 2020?

251 and above: Scores of better than 251 are considered excellent. Scores above 251 typically indicate that all specialties may be considered for potential matching; those with a 251 or higher are likely to have multiple choices of training programs.

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How do you keep a UWorld Journal?

Think short phrases, quick facts, lists, and basic tables or sketches when it comes to keeping a journal. Some students create the journal in a question/answer style in which they turn UWorld factoids into questions that they answer in their journal. Remember, the journal only needs to make sense to you!

Is UWorld enough for Step 2 CK?

A fair proportion of top exam scorers report that doing UWorld STEP 2 CK twice was more than enough to cross 250+ and even 260+ on the real exam.

Should I reset UWorld for second pass?

The Second Pass First, reset your UWorld subscription. This will erase all the statistics you accumulated during the first two years of medical school and allow you to more accurately track your progress during your dedicated Step 1 study period.

What percentile is 259 on Step 2?

Step 2 CK Percentiles: Side-by-Side Comparison with Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3

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Score Step 1 Percentile Step 2 CK Percentile
270 100 96
265 98 91
260 95 82
255 90 71

How do I get better at UWorld?

My recommendation: Use TUTOR mode. Answer all the question in each subject area, in manageable chunks, by selecting UNUSED and a moderate number of questions until you get through the section. After you have completed all the questions in a section, go back and work through the INCORRECT.

What is your uWorld average for your first pass?

Currently I have a 67\% UWorld average for my first pass (finished surgery, psych, and a fair amount of IM, haven’t touched peds/OBGYN). My step 1 score was 246 and I’m aiming for a 255+ on step 2 CK. 67\% UWorld average puts me in the 55th percentile which has me very worried…

How do I get better at uWorld?

Sit down. Do your UWorld block. Review your missed/marked/guessed/whatever. Learn from your mistakes. Do not repeat those mistakes. It will all be okay.

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How many questions are on the uWorld test?

When I answered the questions, I used the thought process of uWorld to answer it with their rationale, helped me remember big topics. This test mimics the NCLEX, ranges from 75-265 questions given and SHUTS OFF when it determines if you have reached passing level – JUST LIKE THE NCLEX!!!