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How can we determine if an information about a certain history is true or not?

How can we determine if an information about a certain history is true or not?

The first key points historians want to check about a source is whether the source is based on accurate knowledge and understanding. To do this, they might check whether the author was there at the time, whether the author was involved in the event, whether the author understood the overall context.

Is history a fact or opinion?

Lesson Summary History contains both fact and opinion. Facts are things that are unchanging and can be objectively verified. Many historical facts are verified by primary sources, which consist of documents and other types of physical items that were created during the time being studied.

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How much history is true?

Are you asking how much of recorded history is true? Probably 98\% to 99\%. The victors write history, therefore, sometimes some of the good points of the defeated are not well documented or their weaknesses exaggerated and the some of the bad points of the victors are whitewashed.

How do we know about history?

Historians can more accurately date their sources to determine their closeness to an event, and access to human remains opens all new doors for analysis. For example, analyzing the strontium content of old teeth can reveal where people came from, and allows archaeologists to track migration.

Why do we believe in history?

“Personally, history informs my understanding of the world, both past and present,” he said. “Having a strong understanding of what has happened in our history helps us to have an informed understanding of what is currently happening.”

Is history the truth?

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History is not just what-really-happened-in-the-past, but a complex intersection of truths, bias and hopes. Furthermore, many purported “histories” can be shown to have been invented; at the same time, however, these fabrications still tell us much about a society’s beliefs and dreams.

How do we know that something is true?

We know something is true if it is in accordance with measurable reality. But just five hundred years ago, this seemingly self-evident premise was not common thinking. Instead, for much of recorded history, truth was rooted in scholasticism.

Is there such a thing as propaganda?

Some material is simply propaganda, intentionally containing little or no truth. Even if authentic, the meaning of documents regarding the past can be highly unclear to any modern investigator, or can conflict with other sources.

Is truth self-evident?

But just five hundred years ago, this seemingly self-evident premise was not common thinking. Instead, for much of recorded history, truth was rooted in scholasticism. We knew something was true because great thinkers and authorities said it was true.

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What is the difference between history and historical fact?

“History is written by the victor.” — Unknown A historical fact is a fact about the past. It answers the very basic question, “What happened?”