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How did Voldemort take over the ministry so easily?

How did Voldemort take over the ministry so easily?

Thicknesse was installed in his place as Voldemort’s puppet. The coup also resulted in Voldemort taking control of the newspaper Daily Prophet, allowing him to control the information given to the public. With this new tool he spread propaganda against Harry Potter, Muggle-borns, and allies of the Order of the Phoenix.

When Dumbledore dueled Voldemort in the fifth book as master of the Elder Wand Why couldn’t he defeat Voldemort?

Dumbledore wasn’t trying to kill Voldemort. Dumbledore then sent a powerful spell at Voldemort, one which the Dark Lord was forced to block with a Silver shield; the spell did not harm the shield, but made a deep gong-like sound as it was deflected.

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What did Tom Riddle look like during the first wizarding war?

It was as though his features had been burned and blurred; they were waxy and oddly distorted, and the whites of the eyes now had a permanently bloody look, though the pupils were not yet the slits that Harry knew they would become.

Could Dumbledore have beaten Voldemort?

Albus Dumbledore’s the most obvious person who can defeat Voldemort without even sweating (not that he has much sweat left, anyway). Rowling herself has explicitly stated in the books that Dumbledore is the only person Voldemort fears since he’s actually no match against him squarely.

Who would win Voldemort or Grindelwald?

3 GRINDELWALD: INTELLIGENT Grindelwald targeted the most useful and powerful wizards of his time in an effort to bring them to his team. If he were faced with a serious opponent, Grindelwald would probably try to win them over before fighting them, whereas Voldemort would just throw a killing curse.

Why didn’t the Elder Wand belong to Voldemort?

Why didn’t the Elder Wand work for Voldemort? Because he never had its allegiance. Ownership of the wand passed from Albus Dumbledore to Draco Malfoy when Draco Disarmed Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy Tower, several long minutes before Snape came along.

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Why did Voldemorts wand fail?

As Ollivander told harry in philosopher stone that the Phoenix gave only two feather which makes both the wands twins. So the wands could only wound each other but would never kill each other. That’s the reason why voldy wand failure.

Could Grindelwald have beaten Voldemort?

Verdict. In a strictly isolated duel setting with no Horcruxes or Deathly Hallow artefacts, Gellert Grindelwald would most likely destroy Voldemort. He has proven to be every bit the Dark Lord’s equal and more.

Why did Lord Voldemort lose the Second Wizarding War?

As Harry Potter’s main antagonist, Lord Voldemort lost the Second Wizarding War due to his own mistakes. Here’s how he could come have out on top. Voldemort displayed rather uneven personality traits during his time as the main antagonist in Harry Potter.

How could Voldemort have survived the Battle of Hogwarts?

A way to guarantee his survival would have been for Voldemort to send Nagini somewhere no one else would know about. Once the Battle of Hogwarts had escalated, Voldemort should have known Nagini was safer in a place where Harry couldn’t get to her, especially since Voldemort was aware Harry was looking for Horcruxes.

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Why could Voldemort not get another Horcrux?

Voldemort could not get another Horcrux because he did not know he had seven in the first place. When he tried to kill Harry, the spell rebounded and killed him instead. His soul became disembodied and jumped into the closest living thing in the room, Harry.

What did Voldemort have to do with Ron and Hermione?

This will come as a surprise to most, but Voldemort never actually had anything to do with Ron and Hermione. Not only did they never interact, but there’s no indication that Voldemort was even aware of their existence as Harry’s best friends. And yet, through a background check on Harry, Voldemort could easily have learned about them.