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How do I assign a null value to a pointer?

How do I assign a null value to a pointer?

A null pointer is a pointer pointing to the 0th memory location, which is a reserved memory and cannot be dereferenced.

  1. #include
  2. int main()
  3. {
  4. int *ptr=NULL;
  5. if(ptr!=NULL)
  6. {
  7. printf(“value of ptr is : \%d”,*ptr);
  8. }

Can you set a pointer to null in C?

In C programming language a Null pointer is a pointer which is a variable with the value assigned as zero or having an address pointing to nothing. So we use keyword NULL to assign a variable to be a null pointer in C it is predefined macro.

How do you assign the value of a pointer to a variable in C?


  1. Declare a normal variable, assign the value.
  2. Declare a pointer variable with the same type as the normal variable.
  3. Initialize the pointer variable with the address of normal variable.
  4. Access the value of the variable by using asterisk (*) – it is known as dereference operator.

What does a null pointer point to in C?

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A null pointer is a pointer which points nothing. Some uses of the null pointer are: a) To initialize a pointer variable when that pointer variable isn’t assigned any valid memory address yet.

How do you write null in CPP?

The C and C++ languages have a null character (NUL), a null pointer (NULL), and a null statement (just a semicolon (;)). The C NUL is a single character that compares equal to 0. The C NULL is a special reserved pointer value that does not point to any valid data object.

How do you check if a pointer is null?

Use Pointer Value as Condition to Check if Pointer Is NULL in C++ Null pointers are evaluated as false when they are used in logical expressions. Thus, we can put a given pointer in the if statement condition to check if it’s null.

Should I set pointer to null?

It is always a good practice to assign the pointer NULL to a pointer variable in case you do not have exact address to be assigned. However, the memory address 0 has special significance; it signals that the pointer is not intended to point to an accessible memory location.

Do pointers need to be initialized to null?

No, you don’t have to set it to NULL , but some consider it good practice as it gives a new pointer a value that makes it explicit it’s not pointing at anything (yet). If you are creating a pointer and then immediately assigning another value to it, then there’s really not much value in setting it to NULL .

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How do you assign a value to a pointer?

How to use a pointer?

  1. Define a pointer variable.
  2. Assigning the address of a variable to a pointer using unary operator (&) which returns the address of that variable.
  3. Accessing the value stored in the address using unary operator (*) which returns the value of the variable located at the address specified by its operand.

How do you assign a pointer?

Answer: The basic steps are…

  1. Allocate two pointers.
  2. Allocate two pointees and set the pointers to point to them.
  3. Store the numbers 1 and 2 into the pointees.
  4. Assign the first pointer to point to the second pointee.

How do you set a pointer to null value in C++?

Use nullptr to initialize your pointers to a null value. C++11 also introduces a new type called std::nullptr_t (in header ). std::nullptr_t can only hold one value: nullptr!

What is the value of null pointer?

A null pointer constant is an integer constant expression that evaluates to zero. For example, a null pointer constant can be 0, 0L , or such an expression that can be cast to type (void *)0 .

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What is a null pointer in C programming?

In C programming language a Null pointer is a pointer which is a variable with the value assigned as zero or having an address pointing to nothing. So we use keyword NULL to assign a variable to be a null pointer in C it is predefined macro.

Assigning a value to a pointer. So it should be obvious that there are two memory locations used. One for the pointer and one for the memory it’s pointing to (assuming the pointer is not null). The pointer itself holds a memory address, specifically the location of the memory it’s pointing to. Something like 0xa456e4fa.

Is 0 a pointer constant in C?

But C standard is saying that 0 is also a null pointer constant. It means that the following is also perfectly legal as per standard. Please note that 0 in the above C statement is used in pointer-context and it’s different from 0 as integer.

How to change the pointer inside of a function?

If you want to change the pointer inside the function you need to pass the actual pointer as a pointer, i.e. a pointer to a pointer: void my_function(char **a) { *a = NULL; } Use the address-of operator &when you call the function to get the address of the pointer: my_function(&ptr); Share Improve this answer Follow