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How do I get my mom to stop invading my privacy?

How do I get my mom to stop invading my privacy?

Calmly tell her, “When you read my private journal and tell people what’s in it, I feel violated,” and request family counseling. You can stop your mother from invading your privacy by taking security measures to protect your privacy. Don’t write anything you don’t want her to know about in a place that she can get to.

How do I tell my mom I need privacy?

By initiating open and clear communication, your parents will know about your need for privacy and will therefore be more likely to respect it. You might explain, “I need my bedroom space to be private so that I can work on my projects in peace and have some space and time for myself.

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Should I stop talking to my mother on the phone?

This must be crazy-making. I suggest that you decrease the frequency of contact that you have with your mother and that you set clear limits with her. If she becomes intensely emotional or critical on the phone then put an end to the interaction. There is no need to feel guilty about this.

How do I deal with a critical mother on the phone?

If she becomes intensely emotional or critical on the phone then put an end to the interaction. There is no need to feel guilty about this. The hope is that by terminating the conversations she will understand that her harsh and critical behavior is unacceptable.

How can I Keep my Phone safe from my parents?

Parents are smart, so be aware of how the contents of your phone looks. Make a separate Google account for any activity that might be suspicious to your parent, and remove it from your device when done. I know this can be a pain to do each time, but it’s worth it.

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How do I convince my parents to let me have privacy?

Go through your parents phones and ask them uncomfortable questions; “Mom, who is Jack?” when your dad´s around, or “Dad, why is mom´s call log twice as active as yours, don´t you have any friends?” When they experience first hand what they put you through, maybe they will be more understanding regarding your privacy needs.