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How do I introduce my children to religion?

How do I introduce my children to religion?

Teach them morals and ethics. Tell them about religion from a dispassionate viewpoint. And then let them take it from there. Let them know they are free to choose what they want to believe, and encourage them to change their minds as often as they like.

How do you explain Christianity to a child?

What do Christians believe? Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that: God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins. Jesus was fully human, and experienced this world in the same way as other human beings of his time.

How do you explain God to a 5 year old?

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Explain to the kids that there is a difference between God and their parents. This is that God is everywhere and they can’t see him. Describe God as a person, but not a real-life, flesh-and-blood person. Let them know that God is everywhere.

What is your concept of religion?

Religion is a matter of faith, or belief based on conviction rather than scientific evidence. Faith is frequently portrayed through the use of rituals, which are formal, ceremonial behaviors that represent religious meanings, and totems, which are objects that are collectively sacred.

How do you explain spirituality to a child?

It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, inspiration and being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside of ourselves.” The language we use to define spirituality is not child-friendly, so when talking to children about it we will refer to: A sense of awe and wonder. Care for nature and living things.

Will Your Children Thank you for raising atheist children?

Yet as your children grow up as educated atheists in a world without gods, without fear of eternal damnation for thought crimes as an 8 year old, they will thank you in more ways than you can imagine. Sign up for the “Atheist Parents Newsletter” (sent approximately 4 times a year) and get up-to-date information on raising Atheist Children.

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Why were early Christians widely reviled as atheists?

Early Christians were widely reviled as atheists because they did not believe in the existence of the Roman gods. During the Roman Empire, Christians were executed for their rejection of the pagan deities in general and the Imperial cult of ancient Rome in particular.

What does it mean to be a negative atheist?

This is not to be confused with ‘negative atheism’ (or agnosticism) which declares that there is no evidence or knowledge about gods or god and thus has no belief in reference to a God or gods. It is an important distinction because young children are not ‘atheists’ simply because they have no view on God or gods.

Is “born again Atheist” a game changer?

Your new book, “Born Again Atheist: The Arguments for the Facts,” has now been released by Enlightened Publishing and you have described the book as a real “Game Changer.” Why do you think that? LG: Well, like my last book, I wrote this one for my children.