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How do I know if I am an INFP?

How do I know if I am an INFP?

Signs You’re an INFP

  • Still waters run deep. Sensitive and caring, you feel things deeply.
  • You have a rich inner world.
  • You put your principles first.
  • You have the gift of language.
  • Art is your truest expression.
  • You’re definitely an introvert.
  • Your mind is rarely idle.
  • You seek meaning in everything you do.

How can you tell if a girl is INFP?

She has many more defining traits, but the most prominent ones are how you will be able to recognize that you are in a conversation with or understand that you are an INFP woman….An INFP woman is:

  1. Compassionate.
  2. Curious.
  3. Empathetic.
  4. Idealistic.
  5. Individualistic.
  6. Open-minded.
  7. Reserved.
  8. Sensitive.
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What does an INFP act like?

1 The INFP personality type is often described as an “idealist” or “mediator” personality. People with this kind of personality tend to be introverted, idealistic, creative, and driven by high values. INFPs also have strong interests in making the world a better place.

Do INFPs know themselves?

For the INFP understanding themselves is important, as they need to spend time sifting through their own emotions. They certainly have a natural sense of self-awareness from being so strongly connected to their own morals and inner emotions, but that doesn’t mean they are aware of everything about themselves.

How do you know if you’re an INFP?

Here’s how to tell if you’re an INFP: 1. You’re a nonconformist. INFPs welcome new ideas and respect other people’s beliefs. However, as nonconformists, they don’t easily follow what the majority says. When they have a different plan in mind, they tend to walk through it even when it means they’re going in alone.

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What is an INFP personality type?

Thought to comprise only four percent of the population, the INFP is a rare Myers-Briggs personality type that stands out from the rest. As an INFP myself, I’ve found that I frequently instinctually recognize other INFPs, sometimes after only a few minutes of conversation.

What are INFPs known for?

Their art is their purest, most authentic way of expressing themselves and their ideas about the world. Without a creative outlet of some kind, the INFP personality will feel unhappy and unfulfilled. 6. You’re definitely an introvert

Do INFPs want to be close to their loved ones?

Wanting to be close to the people you love can backfire when you have a mind as open and malleable as an INFP’s, because this sort of exchange can be like carrying another person’s backpack while hiking, then falling down the mountain under the weight of it, thus ending the entire expedition.