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How do I motivate myself to do boring work?

How do I motivate myself to do boring work?

Here’s how to motivate yourself to do these horrible tasks.

  1. Focus on minutes, not hours. Hours are scary.
  2. Use a calendar instead of a to-do list.
  3. Get your procrastination out of the way quickly.
  4. Anticipate your own slackness.
  5. Give yourself a cut off time.
  6. Avoid other people.
  7. Set yourself a reward.
  8. Set yourself up for success.

How can I improve my motivation?

Below are some quick tools for increasing your motivation on the spot: Think of something you want to accomplish but are not feeling motivated to do. Increase your interest. Decrease stress. You can increase motivation by thinking of how good you will feel when a task is behind you.

What is the best way to motivate yourself?

The best way to motivate yourself is to organize your life so you don’t have to. If work is a constant battle for you, perhaps it is time to start thinking about a new job. The idea is that explicit motivational techniques should be a backup, not your regular routine.

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How do you keep yourself motivated?

Just start and wait for the motivation to catch up with you.

  • Break tasks down into smaller,more manageable steps.
  • Create a positive mindset by asking yourself,“what’s good about this situation?”.
  • Create positive feelings by writing down three things you’re grateful for.
  • Be kind to yourself when you make a mistake,then come back to the task at hand.
  • Know that mistakes are a necessary part of progress – accept and learn from them.
  • Cut overwhelming to-do lists down and focus on just one thing at a time.
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