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How do I study for Step 1 in second year?

How do I study for Step 1 in second year?

Here are some key tips for beginning your Step 1 exam prep during your coursework:

  1. Start exploring Step 1 resources during the corresponding course.
  2. Use your favorite resources as a foundation.
  3. Use flashcards with spaced repetition early and often.
  4. Practice applying what you learn.
  5. Don’t completely disregard your lectures.

Do do medical students take USMLE?

And generally, osteopathic students do not take the USMLE Step-3, which is taken after the residency match and during residency. All AOA (American Osteopathic Association) “D.O.” residencies accept COMLEX scores. Taking the USMLE will definitely broaden the number of programs an osteopathic student can apply to.

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How hard is Step 1 exam?

The USMLE Step 1, in particular, is one of the most stressful and difficult exams you will take in your medical school career. Your performance on this exam will essentially set the tone for your success, or failure, in the residency match process. Basically, you must do well on this exam.

How tough is the USMLE exam in India?

USMLE is the toughest exam you’ll give. Compared to it, all your MBBS exams will be really easy. Yes, you’ll be anxious about it at first but once you gain the knowledge, you’ll feel more confident about your Indian syllabus.

When is the best time to take the USMLE Step 1?

Having completed Step 1 early on, you have enough time in the later years of your medical school to engage in research, electives, and other extra curricular activities. Considering these factors, I think that the best time to take the USMLE Step 1 is at the end of your second year or the beginning of your third year in medical school.

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Can International Medical Graduates (IMGs) take the USMLE Steps?

The situation for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) is quite different as the medical school curriculum in your home country may not be geared to taking the USMLE Steps. This creates a lot of confusion about when to give the exam.

When should I give the USMLE exam during my Internship?

According to the guildines per USMLE, you are eligible to give the exam after your preclinals i.e after 2nd year. But even the 3rd year topics are included in the Step 1. From what I have seen, it is best to give the exam after or during the end of the 3rd year. If not, at the beginning of your internship.