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How do I write a program in C to accept a name and display it during the execution of the Programme?

How do I write a program in C to accept a name and display it during the execution of the Programme?

Write a Program to Display your Name in C

  1. Code : For Printing name in C. #include
  2. Print your Name using C Program.
  3. getch( ): Usually getch() (getch function) is used to read a character from screen.
  4. clrscr( ):
  5. Printing Name Using C Language.
  6. #include :
  7. Main Function main( ) :
  8. Print Function printf( ) :

How do I write a program in C to print the initials of a name keeping the surname?


  1. #include
  2. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  3. {
  4. char sArrInitials[4] = {‘\0’, ‘\0’, ‘\0’, ‘\0’};
  5. printf(“What are your initials? Enter them here: “);
  6. scanf(“\%3s”, sArrInitials);
  7. if(sArrInitials[3] != ‘\0’)
  8. sArrInitials[3] = ‘\0’;

How do you declare a name in C programming?

Below is the basic syntax for declaring a string. char str_name[size]; In the above syntax str_name is any name given to the string variable and size is used to define the length of the string, i.e the number of characters strings will store.

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How do I write a program to print Hello World?

Hello World Program in C

  1. #include
  2. int main() – Here main() is the function name and int is the return type of this function.
  3. printf(“Hello World”); – This function displays the content within double quotes as it is on the screen.

How do you write initials with name example?

Initials are the capital letters which begin each word of a name. For example, if your full name is Michael Dennis Stocks, your initials will be M. D.

How do you create a program name?

How to Name Your Program with the Golden Trio Naming Method

  1. Give me a 6K-word sales page any day of the week.
  2. When you give something a name, it instantly transforms into a Very Big Deal.
  3. Your name just needs three parts:
  4. Describe the benefits.
  5. Use an analogy or story-based tangent.
  6. Use your name.
  7. Rhyme time.

How do you declare a sentence in C?

To input a character, , the statement is: scanf(“\%c”, &ch); . To input a string, , the statement is: scanf(“\%s”, s); . To input a sentence, , the statement is: scanf(“\%[^\n]\%*c”, sen); . In the code below, we have declared , as char s[20] , here it represents that the string s, can hold a maximum of 20 characters.

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What is a correct syntax to output Hello World in C?

Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers. Add Two Integers. Print an Integer (Entered by the User) C “Hello, World!” Program.

How do you say hello in C language?

First C program, Hello World

  1. #include
  2. int main() The int is what is called the return value (in this case of the type integer).
  3. {}
  4. printf(“Hello World\n”);
  5. return 0;
  6. Compile.
  7. Comments in your program.
  8. Indentation.

How to write a program to display your name in C?

So if you want to know Write a Program to Display your Name in C then you need to Write Print function inside your C Program and between the Print functions double Quotes you need to write your Name. Like : printf (“My Name“); 1) First Open You C Programming Software (Turbo C++)

How do you PRINT INPUT name in C program?

C Program that Accept an Input Name and Print it. #include int main(void) { char str[100]; printf (“Enter your name n”); gets(str); printf (“Your name is \%s “,str); return 0; }. Output :

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How to display name and age in C program?

Here here is the C Program display name and Age. But if you don’t want to get and store the Age and Name then you can insert or give the AGE and NAME manually and if you don’t even want to use Variables the write all the Info about name and age inside C Printf function.

How do you terminate a program in C?

Different ways to terminate a program in C 1 quick_exit. This function does cleaning before exiting but the cleaning before exiting is not complete cleaning. 2 abort. This function doen’t close the files that are open . 3 at_quick_exit. This function requires the declaration of the header .