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How do sand dollars have a flower pattern?

How do sand dollars have a flower pattern?

When small organic particles flow past the upright sand dollars, they are trapped in the mucous excreted by the feeding spines and brought to the mouth on the flat “bottom” of the sand dollar, called the oral surface. The aboral surface, or side opposite the mouth, bears the flower pattern.

What is the flower on a sand dollar?

The flower on the side of the Sand Dollar resembles an Easter lily, with a five-pointed Star of Bethlehem as its center. On the underside of the shell you can see the outline of the Christmas poinsettia.

How do sand dollars get their design?

6. Their Holes Serve a Purpose. What is seen on a sand dollar test is always that distinctive flower-like design — really just five sets of gas- and water-processing pores that happen to be arranged in a pretty pattern — and sometimes the same number of oblong holes or slits.

What are the petals on a sand dollar used for?

The animal uses the spines on its flatter bottom side to move around, and to dig into the sand or mud. The petals on the top side are networks of pores that let in water. The animal moves itself by squirting the water back out through other pores — creating jets of water.

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Do sand dollars have babies?

It turns out that sand dollars do indeed come in boy dollars and girl dollars. And, just like us, the females make eggs and the males make sperm. Unlike us, they don’t get together for baby-making activities, but send their eggs and sperm out into the water.

Do sand dollars have blood?

Often mistaken for shells, the sand dollars in these shops are actually skeletons of animals closely related to sea urchins. Instead of blood, echinoderms have a vascular system filled with sea water. The echinoderm moves by expanding and contracting chambers along its appendages.

Can sand dollars bite?

Sand dollars do not bite. However, their long spines can cause puncture wounds and their small bones in their spines can cause a burning sensation if they puncture the skin.

What does a sand dollar symbolize?

Sand dollars are actually burrowing sea urchins. When they wash up on the beach and are bleached by the sun, they look like a large silver coin, hence the moniker. A legend about these creatures says they represent the story of Christ: Now you know the legend of the sand dollar, a story of hope and peace.

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How do sand dollars turn white?

The animals lose these spines soon after they die. The dead sand dollar on the left has started to fade. Sand dollars can vary from a deep brown to a purplish-red color when alive. After the animal dies, the sun causes its color to fade, and the skeleton eventually turns silvery-white.

Do sand dollars have eyes?

Live sand dollars are found in the sea or the coastal waters. These live sand dollars are generally green, purple, or blue, whereas when they die, they turn into white. Sand dollars do not have eyes, brain, and heart.

Can sand dollars move?

Unlike sea stars that use tube feet for locomotion, a sand dollar uses its spines to move along the sand, or to drive edgewise into the sand. On the upper half of the sand dollar’s body, spines also serve as gills.

What are the doves in a sand dollar?

During a sand dollar’s life, these parts function as teeth by allowing sand dollars to grind and chew their prey. When a sand dollar dies and dries up, its teeth become detached and closely resemble small, white birds that are often referred to as doves.

What do the symbols on a sand dollar mean?

The natural design etched on the sand dollar’s face stands for the Easter lily, a symbol of the Resurrection. The star shape in the middle of the lily is said to be the Star of Bethlehem. On the back of the sand dollar is another shape. This one is believed to represent the Poinsettia, the Christmas flower.

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Why is there a star on the back of a dollar?

The star shape in the middle of the lily is said to be the Star of Bethlehem. On the back of the sand dollar is another shape. This one is believed to represent the Poinsettia, the Christmas flower. The five slits in a sand dollar are said to represent the four wounds to Christ’s hands and feet and the spear that pierced His side.

Why are there 5 slits in a sand dollar?

The five slits in sand dollars are said to represent Christ’s wounds during his time on the cross. On one side of the sand dollar is what looks like an Easter lily with a star in the middle, which serves as a reminder of the birth of Christ.

What do sand dollars look like after death?

Most people see sand dollars only after they’ve deceased. Those white “shells” found along the beach are their skeletons; when the marine animal is alive, its pigment can vary from a rich reddish-brown to a vibrant shade of purple.
