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How do you know if an INFJ female likes you?

How do you know if an INFJ female likes you?

INFJs tend to be guarded about their physical space, except for when it comes to family and VERY close friends. If they’re finding excuses to touch your hand, bump up against you, or hug you, then it probably means they have feelings for you. Keep in mind, some INFJs will still feel too shy to get very close to you.

What attracts an INFJ woman?

INFJs are often attracted to people who are passionate souls, with so much going on inside of them. Compassion and being able to really listen are also qualities the INFJ is naturally attracted to. Someone who actually shows caring towards others and is not constantly focused on themselves and their own feelings.

How do you know if an INFJ trusts you?

Fun: if an INFJ is giddy, laughing, or excitedly childlike when sharing thoughts with you, he/she is able to have fun with you, which means your INFJ trusts you. If an INFJ is quiet and boring around you, it probably means he/she doesn’t trust you, so doesn’t consider you close.

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Do INFJ like to be chased?

INFJs definitely aren’t fans of having to chase someone, especially not for a long time. They are often more reserved when it comes to dating or finding the right people in their lives.

How do you know if an Infj is not interested?

As listeners, they tend to ask questions to keep you telling more about your stories. But when they lose interest, they ask 1 or 2 questions only just for the sake of asking. But in reality, they wish they don’t have to talk to you. Something you’ve done has irked them.

How do you tell if Infj doesnt like you?

INFJs who don’t like you will be courteous but icy, perfunctorily so. The INFJs won’t smile as much and when we do, the smiles won’t reach our eyes. The INFJs typically will also be more abrasive, and less patient with you. The INFJs will also typically not want you within six feet of them.

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How do you seduce an Infj?

How to attract an INFJ.

  1. Be an enigma- be as complex and tragic as you possibly can.
  2. Bring something humane-rights related up around the INFJ, or speak in metaphor or prose.
  3. Be kind.
  4. If you have completed those things, the INFJ probably is infatuated by now.

How do you know if an INFJ is not interested?

How do you tell if INFJ doesnt like you?