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How do you respond to he is lucky to have you?

How do you respond to he is lucky to have you?

You can take it as a compliment and say either, “Thanks!” or “Thanks, that’s nice to hear” or even “What a lovely thing to say!” This is what I would do. If you want to encourage this person, say something like, “Thank you, I feel the same way about you” or even “Likewise!”

How do I tell my boyfriend that I am lucky for him?

“I am so lucky to have you in my life.” Show him how grateful you are that he is in your life, by letting him know that you truly feel lucky that he is your partner.

How can I make my boyfriend serious about me?

Make a date and go somewhere you can talk and relax. Have a quiet dinner, for example, and let your boyfriend know how much he means to you. Let him share some of his opinions and his feelings. Really listen to what he has to say, but offer comments to make the conversation flow. Clear some things up if you need to.

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What does it mean when a guy says he lucky to have you?

Saying that you are lucky to have him is a lie that he is telling you in an attempt to control you. If he can convince you of the lie, he can insist that you behave the way that he wants in the name of being the more powerful person in the relationship.

What is the meaning of lucky to have you?

1 adj You say that someone is lucky when they have something that is very desirable or when they are in a very desirable situation. oft ADJ to-inf (=fortunate)

How do you say you are lucky to have someone?

Here is our selection of being lucky to have someone quotes.

  1. I am really happy to have you in my life.
  2. I want you to know how much I value you.
  3. I wish you could see yourself from my eyes and realize just how special you are.
  4. I’m always happy with you by my side.
  5. I know that I am never going to find anyone like you.
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How can I show my boyfriend I love him through text?

10 Romantic Texts To Send Your Partner Just To Say “I Love You”

  1. Express What You Wish You Were Doing.
  2. Let Them Know When You Think Of Them.
  3. Tell Them How They Make You Feel.
  4. Send Them Something Only They’d Understand.
  5. Lean Into The Cheesiness.
  6. Tell Them A Story.
  7. Send Them A Song.
  8. Give Them A Superlative.

How do I know if my boyfriend doesn’t know I have a girlfriend?

(Read: No one knows he has a girlfriend – YOU) If he doesn’t introduce you to his friends or ask you to hang out with them once in a while, go to a party or get together with them – that’s a sure sign that he’s not sure about the whole thing.

What happens when your boyfriend says these 20 things to you?

If our boyfriends say these 20 things to us, our relationship isn’t going to last. Saying the L-word always seems like such a big deal. That’s how it looks in the movies, anyway. We watch rom-coms and see characters struggling to find the right words and the right time.

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What does it mean when a guy wants you to be his girlfriend?

People will joke that you two are attached at the hip… and they’ll be totally right. A guy that wants you to be his girlfriend is going to definitely want you to get to know his friends and family. These are the most special and important people in his life. And if you’re going to be his girlfriend, you’ll be special and important to him as well.

How do you know if your boyfriend wants to marry you?

Signs He Wants to Marry You The flow of your relationship. You have made a point to share the most important people in your life. There are discussions about the future and your expectations. Things are settled. He’s trying to figure out your ring finger size. He talks about how he envisions marriage and includes you in his vision.