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How does Gandalf feel about the ring?

How does Gandalf feel about the ring?

Gandalf explains later that he thought it just one of the lesser rings, not very powerful. He becomes suspicious when he sees that Bilbo is not growing any older – he ought to have looked exactly the same when he hands over the ring to Frodo, and only then ages rapidly. , Coffee addict.

What was Gandalf’s trick in Chapter 2 of The Hobbit?

Gandalf returns and tricks the trolls into staying out past dawn and they turn to stone, because trolls must be underground during the day.

Did Gandalf know Bilbo had the Ring in The Hobbit?

2 Answers. Gandalf did not know then that it was the One Ring. He simply suspected it. He realised Smeagol had called it that in the past and understood then there was an even deeper magical power behind this than he realised.

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Can Sam destroy the Ring?

No one could destroy the ring. Absolutely, literally no one could get to the Sammath Naur – the chasm where it was made – and try to destroy it. The only way it could happen is if someone flung it into the put without meaning to. As such only Gollum could do it,and only by celebrating saving it from Frodo.

How does Gandalf prove that Bilbo’s ring is the One Ring?

But in the movie, after Bilbo does his vanishing act in his birthday party, Gandalf meets him in his house, and when Bilbo calls the ring his Precious, Gandals says that the ring has been called this before, but by someone else, indicating he knew then that it was the ring.

Why didn’t Gandalf destroy the Ring in The Hobbit?

The in-universe explanation is that Gandalf just didn’t know that this ring was the One Ring; he just thought it was an old Elven magic ring. Gandalf wasn’t overly knowledgeable about the rings of power, that was Saruman’s domain.

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What were Gandalf’s last words?

As he falls into the deep abyss, though, Gandalf’s official “last words” aren’t said in defiance to his enemies. Rather, they’re a cheeky command to his friends. As he falls he cries out, “Fly, you fools!”

What happens when Gandalf and Bilbo arrive at Rivendell?

Bilbo and Gandalf return to Rivendell, where Gandalf tells the story of their adventure and Bilbo learns that Gandalf had helped drive the Necromancer out of Mirkwood. They stay only a week because Bilbo is eager to go home. On the last portion of the journey, he and Gandalf find and split the trolls’ gold.

How did Gandalf defeat the trolls?

Gandalf tricks the trolls by impersonating, or mimicking, the other trolls’ voices. Gandalf’s clever trickery distracts the trolls enough that they do not realize that dawn approaches, and when the sun rises, the trolls immediately turn to stone, thus freeing the dwarves and Bilbo.

What happened in chapter 2 of The Hobbit?

Chapter 2 of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit sees Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin, and the rest of the dwarves starting their journey. They get bogged down by a thunderstorm, and then tangle with some trolls due to Bilbo’s bungled pickpocketing attempt. But, Gandalf saves the crew from being cooked.

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Where did Gandalf go in The Hobbit?

Where did Gandalf go in The Hobbit? When he left Thorin & Company, Gandalf probably went to Lothlorien to meet the White Council. They would have attacked Dol Guldur from there.

What did Gandalf give Bilbo to reclaim the treasure?

Gandalf appears and shows him a note the dwarves left, agreeing to give him one-fourteenth of the profits if he accompanies them to reclaim their treasure. Bilbo runs to meet the dwarves, forgetting his handkerchief. Bilbo and the dwarves set off on ponies loaded with provisions; Gandalf soon joins them.

What advice does Gandalf give to Thorin about the trolls?

Gandalf tells Thorin that he had been scouting ahead when he heard in Rivendell that trolls were in the area and he knew he was wanted back. He warns Thorin to take care. Bilbo begins this important journey without the sense of purpose that the dwarves have.

Where did Gandalf go when he left Thorin & Company?

When he left Thorin & Company, Gandalf probably went to Lothlorien to meet the White Council. They would have attacked Dol Guldur from there.