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How does Hulk turn into Professor Hulk?

How does Hulk turn into Professor Hulk?

Their mental unrest came to a head in Avengers: Infinity War, made evident after the Hulk refused to manifest in their battle against Thanos’ army. It wasn’t until Avengers: Endgame that Hulk and Banner came to an understanding in the form of a shared body and consciousness, resulting in Professor Hulk.

Why can Bruce Banner control the Hulk in The Avengers?

A Marvel fan seems to have figured out the real reason why Bruce Banner—played by Mark Ruffalo—could not transform into Hulk at will in last year’s Avengers: Infinity War. In the first Avengers movie, Bruce says his secret is that he’s always angry, which is how he can turn into the Hulk on command.

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Is Banner stuck as Professor Hulk?

To keep things short, Professor Hulk is from the comics, an idealized version that takes the best of both personalities and body types. It doesn’t seem that Banner is stuck this way. It’s not a curse. If he really wanted to, he could science himself back to being all Hulk or all Banner.

Does Hulk hate Banner?

The Hulk hates Banner because he sees him as a pushover, and it’s actually a very understandable conflict as they are opposite personalities inhabiting one body: Bruce Banner is driven by reason and science, while the Hulk is all about emotions and his very bad temper, even showing a childlike personality in other …

Why is Hulk weak in endgame?

Because you have to remember the Hulk is mostly a side character in these movies, they can’t have him making the other characters all look weak and less powerful, because most viewers came to see those other actors who are the main characters.

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Why does the Hulk not turn back to Bruce Banner?

Why Bruce Banner Isn’t Smart Hulk Anymore One of the most likely explanations is that Bruce has lost his gamma radiation somehow. The comics repeatedly take away Bruce’s gamma radiation so he can’t turn into the Hulk anymore, so the MCU could finally do the same after Avengers: Endgame.