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How having a pet changed my life?

How having a pet changed my life?

It’s made me calmer & MORE UNDERSTANDING And even though dogs can be stressful having them around constantly has made me so much calmer. I find much more joy in the day to day now they’re around and that is an incredible thing. Not only have they calmed me down but they’ve also made more understanding as a person.

Why pets make your life better?

Pets not only give us companionship and unconditional love, they have a key part in the quality of our life. Studies have suggested that pets reduce stress more than human support at times. People may draw more support from their furry friends and it makes sense.

How pets can make you happy?

Scientists have also observed that interacting with animals increases levels of the hormone oxytocin. This healing can be emotional as well as physical, as oxytocin makes us feel happy, encourages trust, and promotes bonding. This helps explain why we literally fall in love with our pets.

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How old is the oldest dog to ever live?

29 years 5 months
The greatest reliable age recorded for a dog is 29 years 5 months for an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey, owned by Les Hall of Rochester, Victoria, Australia. Bluey was obtained as a puppy in 1910 and worked among cattle and sheep for nearly 20 years before being put to sleep on 14 November 1939.

Why are dogs so loyal?

Loyalty is also just a natural behavior for dogs. Dogs are pack animals, meaning they are social creatures who prefer the company of other animals. Many dog trainers and other animal experts believe this pack mentality also causes dogs to be loyal to their humans.

Do pets make you feel less lonely?

According to the Human Animal Bond Research Institute and Mars Petcare, market research reinforces the social bond between humans and pets. In fact, 80\% of pet owners say their pet makes them feel less lonely.

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Can petting a pet lower your blood pressure?

And petting a beloved animal can even help lower your blood pressure. If you don’t have a pet in your life, consider adopting or fostering one, especially during American Heart Month. According to the Human Animal Bond Research Institute and Mars Petcare, market research reinforces the social bond between humans and pets.

What are the pros and cons of owning a pet?

Owning a Pet Can Change Your Life Spending time with your pet can be relaxing, encouraging the release of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that help us de-stress and feel good. And petting a beloved animal can even help lower your blood pressure.