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How long do scientists think it will be before the Milky Way and Andromeda merge?

How long do scientists think it will be before the Milky Way and Andromeda merge?

In roughly 4.5 billion years’ time the Milky Way will smash into the rapidly approaching Andromeda Galaxy, and astronomers are still attempting to predict what it will be like when the two galaxies collide.

What will happen when we merge with Andromeda?

Based on current calculations they predict a 50\% chance that in a merged galaxy, the Solar System will be swept out three times farther from the galactic core than its current distance. They also predict a 12\% chance that the Solar System will be ejected from the new galaxy sometime during the collision.

Will we survive the collision with Andromeda?

Four billion years from now, our galaxy, the Milky Way, will collide with our large spiraled neighbor, Andromeda. The galaxies as we know them will not survive. In fact, our solar system is going to outlive our galaxy. Currently, Andromeda and the Milky Way are about 2.5 million light-years apart.

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Is there evidence of galaxies merging?

It is suggested that elliptical galaxies are the result of two merging spiral galaxies. The evidence of this is the distribution of elliptical galaxies in present day clusters. It seems strange that in an expanding Universe that colliding galaxies would be rare, but as we have seen already galaxies exist in clusters.

What is the next galaxy after Andromeda?

Andromeda is the closest big galaxy to the Milky Way and is expected to collide with the Milky Way around 4.5 billion years from now. The two will eventually merge into a single new galaxy called Milkdromeda.

Does Andromeda Galaxy have planets?

Does the Andromeda Galaxy have planets? There is currently only one very strong candidate planet in the Andromeda Galaxy, temporarily named PA-99-N2. All the exoplanets (planets outside the Solar System) that have been confirmed as such are located within our own galaxy.

What happens if 2 galaxies collide?

When you’re wondering what happens when two galaxies collide, try not to think of objects smashing into each other or violent crashes. Instead, as galaxies collide, new stars are formed as gasses combine, both galaxies lose their shape, and the two galaxies create a new supergalaxy that is elliptical.

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Is the Milky Way galaxy currently eating other smaller galaxies?

The galaxy’s powerful past has seen it eat several smaller galaxies just as it will go on to swallow ours, researchers say. It appears to have been doing so as far as back as 10 billion years ago, when it was just forming, and those faint traces of smaller galaxies can still be seen to this day.

Has the Milky Way ever collided with another galaxy?

At least a dozen times over the last 12 billion years, the Milky Way collided with a neighboring galaxy and devoured it, swallowing up that neighbor’s stars and mixing them into an ever-growing stew of pilfered suns.

Will our Milky Way galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy ever merge?

A series of studies published in 2012 showed that – rather than glancing off each other, as merging galaxies sometimes do – our Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy will in fact merge to form a single big elliptical, or football-shaped, galaxy.

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How many stars are there in the Andromeda Galaxy?

The Andromeda galaxy contains about a trillion stars. The Milky Way has about 300 billion stars. Stars from both galaxies will be thrown into new orbits around the newly merged galactic center. For example, according to scientists involved in the 2012 studies:

What is the halo surrounding the Andromeda Galaxy?

NASA reported on this study earlier this year, calling it “the most comprehensive study of a halo surrounding a galaxy.” The Andromeda galaxy, our Milky Way and other galaxies all sit enshrouded in a large envelope – a so-called galactic halo – which consists of gas, dust and stray stars.

What happens when two galaxies merge?

In some ways, when a galactic merger takes place, the two galaxies are like ghosts; they simply pass through each other. That’s because stars inside galaxies are separated by such great distances. Thus the stars themselves typically don’t collide when galaxies merge.