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How long will it take to fill such a pool with an ordinary garden hose?

How long will it take to fill such a pool with an ordinary garden hose?

With a standard size 1/2 inch garden hose, it takes about 9 hours to fill a 5000-gallon pool. To figure the time needed yourself, multiple the number of gallons your pool holds by . 0018. The volume of water a standard hose can deliver per minute is approximately 9 gallons or 540 gallons in an hour.

How much does it cost to fill a pool with a garden hose?

Determine Cost

Gallons Of Water Cost To Fill With Water
5,000 $45
10,000 $90
15,000 $135
20,000 $180

Can I fill my pool with garden hose?

The most straightforward way to fill inground swimming pools with water is to connect a garden hose to your outdoor spigot. Sometimes once they know you need to fill your pool, they will break on the sewer fee. However, it is also possible you will need to pay extra to fill it if there is a drought.

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How big is a pool that holds 10000 gallons of water?

15 ft x 30 ft
Common Pool Sizes and Its Capacity In Gallons

Pool Size US Gallons
12 ft x24 ft Oval 6,400
15 ft x24 ft Oval 8,000
15 ft x 30 ft Oval 10,000
18 ft x 33 ft Oval 13,000

How long does it take to fill a 10ft pool?

Takes a while to fill between 3 and 4 hours. The pump is on the lean side and although it filters the water the filter seems in drastically reduce the flow and can at times choke itself. We added in an ‘intex’ solar heater for the pool, which warms the water by 5 or 6 degrees.

How long does it take to fill a 10 000 gallon pool?

It would take 25 hours to fill 10,000 gallons.

How much does it cost to fill a 10ft pool UK?

These sized pools can hold up to 3,000 litres of water – and filling it up will cost you £9.60 every time you use it. An 8ft paddling pool will cost you £14.40 per dip, while a 10ft pool – room enough for the whole family to fit in – will cost you £16, which is the equivalent cost of around 140 showers or 65 baths.

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Is it cheaper to fill a pool with a hose?

Using that simple math, it stands to reason that your water bill will at least double when you fill your pool for the first time from a hose. For just a few more pennies per gallon, you could enjoy more time splashing with the family and alleviate any hassle associated with the task at hand.

Is it safe to fill a pool overnight?

Before adding any water to your pool, you should make sure that the pool is clean and free of any loose debris. If necessary, clean the pool so that you will have clean water right from the start. It is never recommended to leave your home during this time or to fill your pool overnight.

Is a 10000 gallon pool small?

Any dimensions that multiply to 1300-ish would hold 10,000 gallons. So an 11x11x11 foot cube would hold 10,000 gallons (that would be an odd swimming pool, though). If it were 8-feet deep all over, then it could be 17 feet long and 10 feet wide.

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How much chlorine do I put in a 10000 gallon pool?

You’ll need about 52-104 oz of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons of water. This amount should get the chlorine level to between 5 and 10 ppm.

How long does it take to fill a 10ft by 30in pool?

It will take 2 – 3 hours to fill the pool with a hose.