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How many books has the average person read in a lifetime?

How many books has the average person read in a lifetime?

Around 4600, If You Read Fast.

How many books do voracious readers read?

“Voracious” here indicates 50 books read per year, or a little less than one per week (“voracious” readers have been known to undertake projects like Infinite Jest or similar), and “super” indicates 80. Super-super readers like Sarah Weinman will just have to make their own calculations.

Do geniuses read a lot?

Geniuses tend to be intellectually curious, so they tend to read more and more widely than the average person. With unfamiliar material and fiction, they may read a little faster than others.

How many books should one read in a year?

According to one study, 12 books per year is average Anyway: a Pew Research Center study from 2015 put the average yearly figure, in America at least, at 12 – a number inflated by serious bookworms (the most reported number was four).

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Does reading improve your intelligence?

It increases intelligence. Exposure to vocabulary through reading (particularly reading children’s books) not only leads to higher score on reading tests, but also higher scores on general tests of intelligence for children. Plus, stronger early reading skills may mean higher intelligence later in life.

How many books does the average person read a year?

According to the Pew Research Center, the average person in the U.S. reads about 12 books per year—but that number won’t help you if you read at a different pace than the average American.

Who reads the most in America?

Educated, affluent women read the most. Women tend to read more than men. About 77 percent of American women read a book in 2015, compared with 67 percent of American guys. Also, the average woman read 14 books in a 12-month span, while the average man read only 9. Across both genders, readership also went up with education and income.

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How many books can you read in 30 minutes a day?

If a person reads for 30 minutes a day at that speed, they can get through 33 books a year (assuming book lengths average out to 90,000 words). Speedy readers who blast through the passage in 60 seconds can read 55 books in a year with 30 minutes of daily reading time—which comes out to just over one book a week.

Do Americans read less as they age?

One notable aspect of the data is that people tend to read less as they age. Fully 80 percent of 18–29-year-olds reported reading at least one book, compared to 69 percent of seniors (65+). Americans don’t read as much as most other countries.