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How many hours does it take to learn Arabic fluently?

How many hours does it take to learn Arabic fluently?

It’s estimated that in order to learn Arabic properly, it will take an English speaker at least 2200 hours of Arabic classes over 80 weeks – or rather, one and a half years of consistent language study.

What is the easiest way to learn Thai?

Here are our top selections for learning Thai.

  1. italki.
  2. ThaiPod101.
  3. Lingopolo.
  4. Pimsleur.
  5. Learn Thai Podcast.
  6. Udemy.
  7. Glossika.
  8. Mango Languages.

Is it easy to learn the Thai language?

Especially in a language like Thai, it’s relatively easy to make sentences as the grammar is extremely simple. Thai language basics are easy to learn. You just put the words in the right order, make sure your pronunciation is ok and often it works. But how do you know what the most important vocabulary is that you really need as a beginner?

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How difficult is it to learn Arabic language?

The difficulty of learning Arabic Language. Learning a foreign language can not only help you make your career more successful, but also get to know other cultures better, expand your views make your life richer in general. Learning Arabic can be very difficult, since it is rated as one the most difficult languages to learn for English speakers.

Why is Thai so difficult for non-Thai speakers to learn?

Scott Earle’s answer is excellent and covers pretty much every reason why a non-Thai speaker may find Thai difficult to learn. When he says “Thai has basically no grammar”, he means ‘grammar’ as understood not by a linguist, but by a layperson like the one who asked this question on Quora. Thai has a grammar, yes, but an exceedingly simple one.

How long did it take you to become fluent in Arabic?

Arabic was the first foreign language I learned to fluency. I started almost 17 years ago when I was just starting college and it took me a full 3 years to reach a point where I felt comfortable communicating in it and understanding people when they spoke to me (which I always say is the most difficult part about learning another language).