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How many threads you need for gaming?

How many threads you need for gaming?

Originally Answered: How many cores do I need for gaming? Do not buy anything with less than 16 threads in 2020. That usually means 8 cores and 16 threads. The reason for this is that the newest consoles are all expected to have 16 thread CPUs.

Is 4 cores and 8 threads good for gaming?

It will still be good for gaming for a long time as long as there are games that don’t specify more than 8 cores as the minimum required hardware. Most games depend on decent GPU power and RAM to achieve performance. CPU only matters for CPU-bound work and most dual core/four thread processors are more than capable.

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Is 2 cores and 4 threads enough for gaming?

All the games are already coded for 6-8 cores because that’s what consoles have but 6-8 console cores are so weak that 2/4 desktop cores can keep up with the games as long as there isn’t some really bad coding involved.

Is 4 cores and 4 threads enough for gaming?

Back to your original question though, yes 4 cores are *enough* for gaming right now. You can get better performance in some titles(and apparently other titles on various maps) with a higher multi-threaded Cpu. However, with a good enough Gpu, 4 cores is plenty enough. This holds true for 80\% of gamers builds.

Do games need 8 cores?

Generally speaking, six cores is usually considered optimal for gaming in 2021. Four cores can still cut it but would hardly be a future-proof solution. Eight or more cores might provide performance improvement, but all this depends mainly on how a particular game is coded and what GPU the CPU would be paired with it.

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Do you need 8 cores?

It all depends on workload. You might want more than 8 cores, you might not. After all, there’s a reason high core count HEDT chips like AMD threadripper and Intel I9 are so popular, and it isn’t just bragging rights. It’s true that not many workloads can take advantage of more than 8 cores.

How many cores and threads do I need for gaming?

You will need a processor with 8 cores and 16 threads, at the minimum a 6 core 12 thread unit if you want to make a gaming PC that will sustain you into the next 4–5 years without the need for major upgrades with the graphics card or new Processor.

Do most games use 4 or more CPU cores?

Yes, most of the games use four and more CPU cores and is recommended with minimum and should be fast CPU cores. You can get the CPU with a hyper-threading model which will add up and boost the gaming performance.

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What is the ideal number of cores and threads per CPU?

4 core/8 thread CPUs are sufficient ineed. 6 core/12 thread is optimal and 8 core/16 thread is ideal.

What is the best CPU for gaming?

Best CPU for gaming CPU Cores Threads Intel Core i9 9900K 8 16 Intel Core i7 9700K 8 8 Intel Core i5 9400F 6 6 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12 24