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How to get rid of evil spirits?

How to get rid of evil spirits?

The glass of water and sea salt method. This is a popular method of detecting negative energy at home and cleansing it.

  • Change the vibrations of your home. Did you know that spirits are usually attracted to negative or low energy.
  • Do up your home with crystals. If you have been sensing some paranormal activity in your home,or feel a sudden change in the energy levels,you can shop
  • Clean up your surroundings. Check if there is a garbage dump outside your house. If there is any sort of cleaning your immediate surroundings require,get it done.
  • Make a circle of sea salt. Salt has natural cleansing and purifying properties,and is a great ingredient to protect your home from negative energy or evil spirits.
  • Sage burning. Buy some white sage,and burn it in a small pot,and go from room to room to spread its cleansing effect.
  • What keeps ghosts away?

    Protection from Hauntings Salt has long been purported to offer protection from ghosts. Minimizing negative energy and conflict in your home probably won’t keep ghosts away, but it may keep them inactive. Lavender, rose, and vanilla fragrances all have a reputation for attracting positive energy and spirits.

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    What keeps spirits away?

    Home Remedies Keep Evil Spirits Away. Many healing remedies contained garlic, and garlands of garlic worn around the neck or hung inside a house were used to repel evil spirits, spells, and creatures. A hagstone is a stone with a hole in it hung in stables and homes to keep away witches or hags at night.

    How do you talk to ghosts/ spirits?

    How To Talk To Ghosts Use Conductors. Ghosts and spirits often need some help to communicate with us, they might not have the energy to just pop out a couple of words in response to Be Authentic. It might seem silly, but some people think that they need to use “old English” to communicate with ghosts. Ouija Board.