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Is 10k views on quora good?

Is 10k views on quora good?

10k views is a nice accomplishment and congratulations. Now I would focus more on upvotes since that is a better measure of the quality of your responses. When someone upvotes you they are saying “job well done”. It means that they fully read your answer and found it to be meaningful.

What happens when you get views on quora?

Nothing happens. There’s no fanfare, no points to earn anymore, you just simply reach 1000 views and that’s it. You might get a notification that you’ve reached 1000 views but I don’t know if that is still in use. There’s no gaming on Quora, nothing to attain really, it’s just about the information.

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What does it mean when someone Upvotes your answer in Quora?

Quora is a website where users post questions via Threads and other Quora users answer them – it’s essentially Yahoo Answers and an Internet forum rolled into a social network. Both Threads and Answers can receive “Upvotes” – an Upvote signifies the Answer was helpful.

What is Upvoting on Quora?

Another feature on Quora that is helpful to users is the upvote and downvote option. If you see a response on Quora that you think perfectly answers the question presented, you can upvote it. If an answer has more downvotes, users see it as invalid and Quora will not prioritize it for others to see.

How many content views is good on Quora?

According to many sources, your content needs to be viewed by more than 100,000 times in the platform to get the invitation to join the program in 2020. Although I got invited when I only had somewhere around 55,000 views.

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How do I get visibility on Quora?

To get more people to see your Quora space, you could do several things.

  1. Share a good answer from your space with your followers.
  2. Share other people’s answers on your space.
  3. Invite certain people to follow your space.
  4. Invite the right people to be contributors to your space.

What happens when you reach 10k views on YouTube?

YouTube is setting a total-views threshold for channels to make money off ads. After a channel hits 10,000 views and applies to the program, YouTube will review its activity to confirm it is following the site’s community guidelines and advertiser policies.