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Is any character faster than flash?

Is any character faster than flash?

Wally is widely considered to be the Fastest Flash, and is significantly faster than Barry Allen. He has been confirmed to be the fastest being in the entire DC Multiverse.

How Fast Is Omni Kix XLR8?

Omni-Kix XLR8 has a back booster that activates when its really needed. It can reach up to speeds past 1000 miles per hour.

How fast is fasttrack?

FastTrack again catches up before the missile explodes and he trips onto the ground. Mach 12, 9207.23 miles per hour. This is not only 11 times faster than XLR8 in the classic series, because he could only reach Mach 1, but it could mean that Fasttrack can get much faster as time goes on.

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How fast is Jet Ray?

Jetray can go about as fast as the fastest flying aircraft (4500 MPH) But XLR8 is still the fastest, being able to move at near lightspeed thanks to his own increased speed.

How strong is XLR8?

Powers. XLR8 has the ability to manipulate friction to reach speeds of 300 mph in an instant, and the same power allows him to climb up walls and run on water with relative ease. Using his speed, XLR8 can perform a number of unique feats.

Is XLR8 faster than Mach 2 flash?

Flash, XLR8 has never passed the speed of light. Flash (including all flashes except Jay) can effortlessly reach light speed in mere seconds or less… XLR8 was never shown to be faster than possibly Mach 2.

Is FastTrack faster than XLR8?

And fasttrack is not faster the xlr8 but he is stronger. The Flash, easily. XLR8 got caught by Vilgax and Vilgax couldn’t even react fast enough to get out of the way of the Rustbucket before it hit him. Meanwhile Flash casually evades plasma beams. XLR8 isn’t even Ben’s fastest alien. Fasttrack is faster (and still not Flash level).

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Is XLR8 the fastest alien in the game?

XLR8 isn’t even Ben’s fastest alien. Fasttrack is faster (and still not Flash level). I’m sure there are other aliens who are faster just through some side effect of their abilities (like Jetray not having to touch the ground or Big Chill not having to touch anything at all), but none are as fast as the Flash.