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Is Bendu more powerful than Palpatine?

Is Bendu more powerful than Palpatine?

Blinded to the growing powers of the Empire and unable to win in a fight against Palpatine one-on-one, he, too, would be no match for Bendu. Perhaps only Palpatine himself could come close. Though he would have many worthy competitors, Bendu’s enigmatic ancient wisdom and strength make him the most powerful Force user.

How powerful is Bendu?

20 The Bendu Is A Massive Force-Sensitive Alien Entity That Exists Between Jedi & Sith. An alien behemoth, the Bendu was large enough to tower over most humanoids, but he was so powerful with the Force that he never once had to resort to his physical strength.

Who is the strongest emperor in Star Wars?

Emperor Palpatine is one of Star Wars’ most powerful characters, and the man himself has confirmed he’s the strongest Sith Lord in history. A Star Wars tie-in has confirmed Emperor Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious, is the strongest Sith in history.

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Was the Bendu killed?

Bendu was struck by fire coming from the remaining walkers and a squad of death troopers, causing the huge Force entity to fall from the sky and crash to ground. Bendu warns Thrawn about his future.

Does Bendu survive?

Lightning rained down, destroying Imperial and rebel craft alike. The entity’s actions gave many rebels the chance they needed to survive, but he cared not for either side. Ultimately, Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered fire on the center of the cloud, and Bendu crashed onto the surface.

Is the Bendu as powerful as the Emperor?

No, in Star Wars canon now the Bendu was not as powerful and would lose to Emperor Palpatine. In the Thrawn novels, it was stated The Emperor was a greater threat and more poweful than the Bendu. “But understand this. All the strength of the creature you faced on Atollon pales in comparison with the power of the Emperor.

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What could the Bendu do to Palpatine?

The Bendu is something mysterious, neither Light or Dark, and yet also both. Palpatine is the ultimate, unbridled evil, with a huge amount of Power. I don’t think there is much that the Bendu could do to Palpatine, that Palpatine couldn’t stop, however I don’t think that Palpatine can do anything to the Bendu either.

Why did Palpatine kill Windu?

At this point, Windu realizes that Palpatine is too dangerous to take alive, and must be killed. Weakened, Palpatine cries to Anakin for help; Anakin cuts off Windu’s hand, and Palpatine kills Windu with Force lightning.

How did Palpatine die in the Last Jedi?

Palpatine was killed for good when Rey deflected his Force lightning as it ricocheted back and melted his face off. If Palpatine stopped shooting the Force lightning, Rey wouldn’t have been able to defeat him in this way.