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Is C good for desktop application?

Is C good for desktop application?

C is too low level language for desktop applications. Windows Drivers are normally written in C, as well as console apps, but GUI objects are better with object-oriented language, which can provide object-oriented interface for Windows objects.

Why C++ is best for desktop application?

Performance: C++ is widely used when higher level languages are not efficient. C++ code is much faster than C# code, which makes it a better solution for applications where performance is important. With C++, you can code for any platform including Mac, Windows and Linux.

Which database is best for Java desktop Application?

MySQL is one of the very powerful database for Java applications. It is open source as well as supported by a large organization like Oracle. Since Oracle supports Java also, MySQL is a good combination with Java applications.

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Is Java good for desktop apps?

You should generally avoid Java if you want to distribute desktop applications. It is not particularly well supported by either Microsoft or Apple and it has a bad reputation with end-users as being insecure and annoying to update.

Is C# or Java faster?

Being an Object-Oriented Programming Language, Java develops the OOP application relatively easier than C# and other programming languages….C# vs Java Performance Comparison Table.

The basis of comparison C# Java Performance
Speed Relatively slower than C++ Java is faster than C#

Which database is used for Java application?

Java DB. Java DB is Oracle’s supported distribution of the open source Apache Derby database. Its ease of use, standards compliance, full feature set, and small footprint make it the ideal database for Java developers. Java DB is written in the Java programming language, providing “write once, run anywhere” portability …

Which database is best for standalone applications?

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Microsoft SQL Server Compact is a free SQL Server embedded database ideal for building standalone applications including Windows Client, Web, and mobile. As a developer if you are building an application that target individual standalone machines with small data needs, SQL Server Compact 4.0 is probably the answer.

Should I use Java Swing or JavaFX?

Swing has a more sophisticated set of GUI components, whereas JavaFX has a decent number of UI components available but lesser than what Swing provides. Swing can provide UI components with a decent look and feel, whereas JavaFX can provide rich internet application having a modern UI.

Is it better to learn C++ or Java for web development?

Java is generally known and versatile, so it’s also easier to find a Java developer than a “harder” language such as C++. Overall, C++ can be used for almost anything but it’s not always necessary to use it. Java is usually sufficient and can be more effective for your project.

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Which programming language should I learn for Android app development?

Java is the foundation program for Android applications, so it’s the usual choice for mobile developers. C++ is a low-level language that is used to power hardware and low-level programs such as device drivers and network analytics tools.

What are the similarities between C++ and Java?

C++ and Java have some similarities. Some of them are: Syntax: Looping structures, classes, defined variables, and conditional operators are very similar in both languages. This makes cross-platform work easier for developers to use both languages that you must have multiple projects.

Should I learn swing or WinForms or Java?

If you use java, dont use gui builders, type it by hand. I used both languages and enjoy swing more because I can model the gui code how I want. Winforms does not give you that freedom. Also java has a lot more librarys. It took me a month to learn swing development at a professional level watching an udemy video I bought, get a video.