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Is Elon Musk right about hydrogen?

Is Elon Musk right about hydrogen?

Please listen to the science!” Diess found support from Tesla CEO Elon Musk who replied to the VW chief’s remarks saying, “Diess is right. Hydrogen is a staggeringly dumb form of energy storage for cars. Barely worth considering it for a rocket upper stage, which is its most compelling use.”

What does Elon Musk say about hydrogen?

“It’s just very difficult to make hydrogen and store it and use it in a car,” Musk said. “The best-case hydrogen fuel cell doesn’t win against the current case batteries, so then, obviously it doesn’t make sense,” he added later.

Does Tesla have a hydrogen car?

It’s well-known that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is an advocate against hydrogen, primarily due to its lack of efficiency compared to battery-electric vehicles….Sadly, the Model Y is already much more efficient than it is once converted to a ‘Hyber Hybrid. ‘

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Tags hydrogen Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Why are electric cars not hydrogen?

They simply take energy and turn it into rotational movement – the difference is that in a normal electric car, this energy only comes from an on-board battery that needs to be charged up, while in a hydrogen car it comes from an on-board generator that uses hydrogen.

Is Elon Musk a Tesla?

Elon Musk is the co-founder and CEO at Tesla, overseeing all product design, engineering and manufacturing of the company’s electric vehicles, battery products, and Solar Roofs.

Will hydrogen fuel cell cars take over electric cars?

Hydrogen cars won’t overtake electric vehicles because they’re hampered by the laws of science

How do fuel cells produce electrical energy?

Fuel cells typically generate electricity using hydrogen and emit only water and heat. For polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells, hydrogen is fed into one side of the fuel cell, and oxygen is fed into the other. Hydrogen ions pass through a membrane and react with the oxygen on the other side to form H2O (or water) and create electricity.

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What is fuel cell technology?

Fuel cell technology is an example of exciting renewable energy technology. By harnessing the power of the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, fuel cells create a reliable source of renewable energy with no dangerous byproducts. A fuel cell is a device that generates electricity through a chemical reaction.