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Is faith a emotion?

Is faith a emotion?

Many contemporary theologians seemingly overlook the fact that faith encompasses emotions and reason. When defining faith, BC patients preferred positive emotion words (82.9\%) over negative emotion words (17\%).

What is the difference between logic and emotion?

Logic is, by default, a method of making decisions that uses sound and rational decision making to find the best conclusion. Emotions, on the other hand, are true feeling.

Do humans think logically or emotionally?

In truth, emotions drive more than 80 percent of our decision-making, while logic makes up the rest. According to Gazzaniga, a well-known neurobiological scientist and author, the human brain has a function called the left-brain interpreter.

Why is faith not an emotion?

Quora User, CST By strict definition, ‘faith’ is not an emotion – becasue ‘belief’ is not an emotion. If people have ‘belief’ in something that is not based on proof, then their steadfast faith may be based on an emotion, but that does not make their faith an emotion.

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Is faith a rational virtue?

While many in contemporary culture see faith as simply a blind emotional impulse, in his theological classic Mere Christianity C. S. Lewis describes it as a rational virtue. Indeed, he describes faith as a virtue—not opposed to reason—but to imagination and emotion. He gives the following examples to illustrate his point.

What is faith in life?

So, in short, “faith” is the capacity to act on a proposition – to believe it as if it were true, even though you have no guarantee that the results you anticipate will be achieved, or (in the worst cases) even can be achieved. This is an important question. The Interplay of Emotion and Reason is much more melded than most people might imagine.

What is the test of faith?

The test is as simple as reviewing past experiences with that object in situations when promises were made or understood. This is a very logical way to approach who or what to trust (or not to trust) with the unknown. Thus, we have a very reasonable and logical approach to faith. However, emotion plays a huge role here also.