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Is final velocity and initial velocity same in projectile motion?

Is final velocity and initial velocity same in projectile motion?

For ideal conditions, initial velocity equals final velocity if, but only if, initial and final elevations (Y) are equal. In fact during flight, the velocity on the way up at a given elevation (Yn) is the same as the velocity on the way down at that same elevation (Yn).

Is initial velocity equal to final velocity?

Final velocity (v) of an object equals initial velocity (u) of that object plus acceleration (a) of the object times the elapsed time (t) from u to v.

What is the final velocity of a projectile?

The horizontal velocity of a projectile is constant (a never changing in value), There is a vertical acceleration caused by gravity; its value is 9.8 m/s/s, down, The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second, The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.

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Is the final horizontal velocity of a projectile always equal to the initial horizontal velocity?

The final horizontal velocity of a projectile is always equal to the initial horizontal velocity. As a projectile rises towards the peak of its trajectory, the horizontal velocity will decrease; as it falls from the peak of its trajectory, its horizontal velocity will decrease.

What is the initial velocity of projectile motion?

Such a projectile begins its motion with a horizontal velocity of 25 m/s and a vertical velocity of 43 m/s. These are known as the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity.

What is initial velocity in projectile motion?

Consider a projectile launched with an initial velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 60 degrees above the horizontal. Such a projectile begins its motion with a horizontal velocity of 25 m/s and a vertical velocity of 43 m/s. These are known as the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity.

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Is the final velocity of a projectile 0?

When a projectile reaches maximum height, the vertical component of its velocity is momentarily zero (vy = 0 m/s). However, the horizontal component of its velocity is not zero.

What is the initial velocity of a projectile?

The initial vertical velocity is the vertical component of the initial velocity: v 0 y = v 0 sin θ 0 = ( 30.0 m / s ) sin 45 ° = 21.2 m / s .

What is final and initial velocity?

Initial velocity is the velocity which the body has in the beginning of the given time period and final velocity is the velocity which the body has at the end of the given time period.

What is the initial vertical velocity of an object during projectile motion?

The initial vertical velocity of an object during projectile motion is 15 ms-1. The launch angle is 30o 30 o. (a) Calculate the initial horizontal velocity. uy ux = tanθ u y u x = tan θ

Is initial velocity the same as final velocity?

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For ideal conditions, initial velocity equals final velocity if, but only if, initial and final elevations (Y) are equal. In fact during flight, the velocity on the way up at a given elevation (Yn) is the same as the velocity on the way down at that same elevation (Yn).

How to calculate final velocity before the ball hits the ground?

Calculate the final velocity before the ball hits the ground. Horizontal component of initial velocity : Choose upward direction as positive and downward direction as negative. Initial velocity at horizontal direction is 7√3 m/s. Velocity is constant so that final velocity is same as initial velocity. 2.

What is the difference between vertical velocity and horizontal velocity?

The horizontal component of the velocity of the projectile is unchanged through out the motion,while the vertical velocity changes with time.After the completion of motion of projectile the time elapsed is equal to 2 u s i n θ g