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Is Frey a great house?

Is Frey a great house?

House Frey of the Twins is the former Great House of the Riverlands, having gained their position for their treachery against their former liege lords, House Tully, who were stripped of all their lands and titles for their rebellion against the Iron Throne; House Tully had supported the independence movement for the …

Who is the heir to House Frey?

Edwyn Frey
House Frey

House Frey of the Crossing
Region Riverlands
Title Lord of the Crossing
Heir Edwyn Frey
Overlord House Tully (AGOT) House Baelish (ADWD)

What happened to Lord Frey?

Shortly after the Lannister army leaves, Walder dines on a piece of pie as a serving girl brings him another piece. Walder is killed by Arya Stark, avenging the Red Wedding.

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How many children did Lord Frey have?

From what we know of Walder Frey, he’s married to his eighth wife, Joyeuse Erenford, and had twenty-two trueborn sons and seven trueborn daughters with a number of bastards along the way.

Who is Petyr Pimple?

Petyr Frey, also called Petyr Pimple, is a member of House Frey and is the youngest of Ser Ryman Frey’s three sons. His elder brothers are Edwyn and Walder Frey. Petyr is married to Mylenda Caron and they have one daughter Perra Frey.

What is the history of House Frey of the twins?

House Frey of the Twins is the former Great House of the Riverlands, having gained their position for their treachery against their former liege lords, House Tully, who were stripped of all their lands and titles for their rebellion against the Iron Throne; House Tully had supported the independence movement for the Kingdom of the North.

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Why did Robb allow Lord Frey to take control of Harrenhal?

Lord Frey sends his sons Lothar and Black Walder to negotiate with the Starks and Tullys. Seeking to mend the strained relationship with his Frey allies, Robb assents to granting Lord Frey control of Harrenhal and his uncle Edmure Tully marrying Walder’s daughter Roslin Frey.

What happens to Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey?

Seeking to mend the strained relationship with his Frey allies, Robb assents to granting Lord Frey control of Harrenhal and his uncle Edmure Tully marrying Walder’s daughter Roslin Frey. The Freys host Robb, Catelyn, Edmure, and the Stark and Tully hosts at the Twins for the wedding of Edmure and Roslin.

What is the meaning of the House Frey’s House words?

Their house words are “We Stand Together,” ironic considering the Freys’ frequent infighting between family members, but it could also refer to their seat, the Twins, standing together. House Frey was a noble house in the Riverlands that had emerged about six hundred years before the War of the Five Kings.