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Is it compulsory to get GST registration for export of services?

Is it compulsory to get GST registration for export of services?

Answer: Taxable event in the GST regime is supply of goods. Exports being inter-State supply, you would be required to obtain GST registration. The manufacturer would be supply- ing you the goods on the payment of IGST or CGST and SGST/ UTGST as applicable.

Is export of services exempt from GST registration?

The export of goods or services is considered as a zero-rated supply. GST will not be levied on export of any kind of goods or services. A duty drawback was provided under the previous laws for the tax paid on inputs for the export of exempted goods. Claiming the duty drawback was a cumbersome process.

In which case GST registration is not compulsory?

Casual taxable person who is not having fixed place of business in the State or Union Territory from where he wants to make supply. However casual taxable persons making supplies of specified handicraft goods need not take compulsory registration and are entitled to the threshold exemption of Rs. 20 Lakh.

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When GST registration is mandatory?

In the GST Regime, businesses whose turnover exceeds Rs. 40 lakhs* (Rs 10 lakhs for NE and hill states) is required to register as a normal taxable person. This process of registration is called GST registration. For certain businesses, registration under GST is mandatory.

Is service tax applicable on export of services?

Services that are deemed to be export of services are exempt from service tax. The service is not specified in the negative list of the service tax act. The place of provision of the services is outside India . The payment of service has been received by the provider in convertible foreign exchange.

Is GST required below 20 lakhs?

20 lakhs (or Rs. 40 lakh for a supplier of goods) has to mandatorily register under Goods and Services Tax. This limit is set at Rs. 10 lakhs for North Eastern and hilly states flagged as special category states.

Is export of services exempt from service tax?

How do I export without paying GST?

To export goods/services without paying IGST, you must file a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) or an export bond. Exporting under LUT/bond is beneficial because it a) saves you the time and effort of seeking a tax refund, b) prevents the blocking of funds, which can be critical for small businesses.

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What is the mandatory registration?

Mandatory Company Registration Hence, a business with any amount of turnover or capital can be operated as a Proprietorship or Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership or Private Limited Company. However, the Companies Act 2013, does require mandatory company registration for certain Partnerships.

Which case of registration is compulsory?

A person who is required to pay tax under reverse charge has to take compulsory registration as he has to take registration to submit tax under reverse charge.

Is GST registration mandatory for individuals?

Every person who is registered under an earlier law (i.e., Excise, VAT, Service Tax etc.) needs to register under GST, too. When a business which is registered has been transferred to someone/demerged, the transferee shall take registration with effect from the date of transfer.

Is export of services exempted from service tax?

Services that are deemed to be export of services are exempt from service tax. As per the Service Tax Rules, any service provided or agreed to be provided shall be treated as export of service if all of the below mentioned conditions are met: The recipient of service is located outside India.

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Do I need to register for GST if I export?

Since export has been deemed to be an inter-state supply, all exporters of services would mandatorily be required to take registration under GST. No. Unless you are paying GST to manufacturers or service provider and would like to claim refund then register for GST. Else for Exports GST registration is not mandatory.

What is the exemption from compulsory GST registration?

Exemption from compulsory GST registration even making interstate supply :- (a) A person making inter-state supply of services is not required to register under GST if his aggregate turnover is less than Rs 20/10 lakhs. Notification No. 10/2017-IT dated 13-10-17)

Is GST applicable to inter-state supply of goods?

A persons making any inter-State taxable supply of goods is required to be registered under GST irrespective of turnover limit (a) A person making inter-state supply of services is not required to register under GST if his aggregate turnover is less than Rs 20/10 lakhs. Notification No. 10/2017-IT dated 13-10-17)

Is GST registration required for ITC?

GST registration is required if turnover of your services exceed Rs 20Lacs.If you got the registration then, though your service is nil rated but you can claim ITC.